Recipe for the Garden: buying and growing seeds
The sowing period for flower and vegetable seeds continues! Expert
Read moreThe sowing period for flower and vegetable seeds continues! Expert
Read morePlanting vegetables in autumn, selecting soil for sowing cucumbers or topping tomato bushes - experts
Read morePruning fruit bushes is one of those spring activities that shouldn't be delayed. The later we perform them, the worse this treatment will have an impact on the condition of the plant and the fruiting effect.
Read moreThe moor is a dream of many a gardener. Reader
Read moreWhen cutting pine trees in spring, choose the date and shape of the tree with precision. By not following the recommendations of experts, we risk inhibiting the growth of the plant. Here's how and when you should prune your pine trees.
Read moreFertilization is a key procedure helping to keep the soil and the plants inhabiting it in perfect condition. Here are some tips on how and when to use garden fertilizers most effectively.
Read more" The author of the following text is the reader of the magazine Przepis na Ogród - Andrzej Szewc from Tuchola. " Autumn is hardworking sometimes cleaning raking fallen leaves first. The he althy ones, without any symptoms of damage or fungal diseases, always serve as a cover for plants that require protection against wind and frost Dry leaves cover perennials and small shrubs Additionally, I put branches on loosely made covers, so that the wind does not spread
Read moreHow to effectively scare grape enthusiasts? P:I always have competition for my grapes. Not only neighbors, but also insects and birds are eager to eat them! And damaged balls are unappetizing and not suitable for preserves. How to discourage pests?
Read moreBiodynamic preparations are more and more often used by gardeners as a source of nutrients necessary for plants. This is how the reader uses biodynamic fertilizers to grow vegetables.
Read moreI focused on ecology in plant protection. Instead of buying expensive chemicals, it is better to plant marigolds, lavender or rue - the reader advises
Read morePropagation by layering is a simple method of getting seedlings of trees and shrubs. It is best to do this in the spring, as the reader advises
Read morePalm maple, Virginia creeper or firethorn - these are just three of the many plants that bloom wonderfully in autumn. Enriching your garden with them will make it enjoy everyone with fiery colors every autumn.
Read more" The author of the following text and photos is Andrzej Pach, the reader of the Garden Recipe magazine from Świebodzice. " "Rannik looks impressive among the flowers of early spring". The symbol early spring are generally snowdrops , and it is the early spring ranches.
Read moreWhen preparing the pond for winter, you should first of all remember to clean the shore of remaining leaves and silt - advises the Reader
Read more" The author of the following text is a reader of the magazine Provision for the Garden - Marta Jesionowska from Starachowice. " "Chilled fruit is less tart and it is worth adding it to preserves" In our garden shrub aronia has been growing for 10 years.
Read more„ They provide a pleasant shade, cover unsightly walls, and with their appearance they move the senses "- such arguments of the author should convince everyone to plant climbing plants in their garden.
Read moreHedge losing leaves, sowing radish in summer, reproduction of hydrangeas and magnolia blooming twice a season - experts
Read moreIn February, when the weather is fine, part of the work in the garden related to trees and shrubs should be started. Cutting hedges or shaping yews - this is the perfect time for these treatments.
Read morePruning conifers should become a habit for everyone who wants he althy and pretty thuja, cypress or larch to grow in their garden. Here's a handful of reader tips
Read moreInstead of using chemical fertilizers, the Garden Recipe Reader mixes his garden soil with natural additives: dolomite, peat and even pine needles. Here is a recipe for improving soil quality.
Read moreBefore planting the first seedlings into the soil, the reader
Read moreBoxwood is one of the most popular hedge shrubs. This popularity is due, inter alia, to the ease of their formation. The Reader presents his ideas for care
Read moreA garden is not only about plants. In order for us to enjoy its charm endlessly, we should also take care of other elements, constantly expanding it with e.g. a smokehouse, like one of our readers.
Read moreGrowing plump and he althy grapes is a real challenge that lasts for three seasons. Proper care, however, is a guarantee of tasty fruit!
Read moreSnowdrops, tulips and other bulbs are a natural symbol of spring. Expert
Read moreThese shade-loving, frost-resistant perennials are perfect for flower beds and containers. With proper conditions and care, the funky ones will shine with beauty for most of the season.
Read moreWhat is worth knowing about cultivating castor plants? A friend gave me some annual horse chestnut seeds? I wonder how to sow them and how to grow this plant afterwards. I am asking for advice. Annual horse chestnut is a colloquial name.
Read moreBeloved by many gardeners, rhododendrons require a certain soil acidity to bloom properly and they thrive better in conifers.
Read moreBeloved by many gardeners, azaleas and rhododendrons are unfortunately not free from diseases and pests. However, proper sprays are a remedy for these problems. Here are the methods of one of the Readers.
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