Garden recipe: I only use biodynamic preparations

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I have had my own garden for several years. I only use organic farming methods. Biodynamic preparations help me fight pests and diseases, as well as fertilize the soil. These are substances that are difficult to make by yourself.I usually buy them on a biodynamic farm.Their value is invaluable. In this letter, I wanted to introduce readers to the substances that, in my opinion, are most useful on the plot.

Fawn preparation 500 - has the consistency of a peat-like mass. It is used to spray the soil.It stimulates soil organisms and plant roots, nourishes them perfectly.It should be used when switching the plot to the biodynamic one, which takes 2-3 years.

I use the suspension preparation for soil spraying. For 100 m² you need 2-5 g of the substance. It must be thoroughly distributed in 1-2 liters of water - rainwater or spring water - at a temperature similar to that of the human body.

Mix the preparations in a wooden, stoneware, enamel or plastic vessel for about an hour. Metal or cast iron cookware must not be used. You need to stir vigorously with a stick.When a deep funnel is formed, suddenly change the mixing direction to the opposite and turn it again until a funnel is formed.After preparation, I use the preparation immediately. I sprinkle it on the ground before sowing or planting plants and possibly before fertilizing with compost. I spray in the late afternoon or evening.

Preparation 501 from silica - this is a white powder, from which I make a suspension for spraying above-ground parts of plants.Improves the condition of plants and enhances the effect of light and heat on the plant.Preparations 500 and 501 support each other.

I prepare the spray suspension from 1 g of the substance and spread it in 10 liters of water.I perform the treatment in the morning in full sun, when the dew is dry.Plants must be well rooted. Below I have listed what and when I spray:

- Cabbage and lettuce - when they start to tie the heads.

- Peas - when they have flower buds.

- Fruit trees - in the flower bud stage, the second time - when the fruit is small, the third - when the fruit ripens.

- Tomatoes - before flowering and later - when they are the size of a hazelnut.

- Root vegetables - when the storage organ begins to form.

- Fruit bushes - until flowering.

Preparations 502-507 are used as additives to the compost heap. I will try to write more about them in a separate letter. Preparation 508 from the ears of horsetail - is intended for the protection of plants against fungal diseases.

On warm and humid days, I spray it on both sides of the leaves.I usually start using the preparation in spring and repeat the treatment every 10-14 days.I prepare the liquid from 20 g of the preparation poured into 1-2 liters of settled rainwater. Cook for 20-30 minutes.Then leave the stock for 24 hours, then strain and add to 5-10 liters of water. This amount is enough to spray about 100 m² of plants in the plot.

There are nine biodynamic preparations. They have the established international designations from 500 to 508:

- from the cow - to the soil,

- from silica - for plants,

- from chamomile, nettle, dandelion, yarrow, oak bark and valerian - to dynamise the compost heap.

The amount of the preparation is calculated in grams and is used diluted with water.

These substances have a homeopathic effect, so they are used in very small doses (i.e. a few grams per hectare), directly on the soil, plant fields or in the form of compost piles.

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