Garden recipe: pond preparation for winter

" The author of the following text is Magdalena Sobiepan from Cieszyn, a reader of the magazine Przepis na Ogród. "

I think that the owners ofmeshes waterknow perfectly well that it is worth securing them before winter. We do it so that the fish andvegetation , both on the shore and in the water,not suffer during frostOur pond is quite large, actually it's a small pond, so every year atend of the seasonhas some work to do with it.

First of all, we change 2/3 of the water in it to oxygenate it.We also remove residualmud ,leftovers plantsandalgaeFlowers sensitive to frost, e.g.exotichyacinthsaquatic , dig it out. In containers filled with earth, transfer them tonon-freezing ,brightbasement

"If the pond is deep enough and does not freeze to the bottom, you do not need to carry the fish to a warmer reservoir for the winter."

When it comes to liliesaquatic , all rotting plant fragmentsneed cutThis applies both leaves, stems and roots. Cleanedrhizomesexaggerating (if required) to a largertrash filled earth I put the prepared lilies in an old bathtub, pour water overhalf highandallcover with leaves

Other specimens from mywater collectionI put intobuckets without cleaningconstruction , I pour water over it and also carry it to the basement.I ventilate it regularly, but not too long, because the room shouldn't be too chilled

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In our pond, which is over1.5 m deep , all fish are hibernating. We mainly have to make sure thatthe tankis not completely ice-bound, because then the water will betoo little oxygenWe drill regularly for this. Holes in the ice (approx. 20 cm in diameter) can bedrilledor hot we boiling water with a knife

"In late autumn we change two thirds of the water in the pond."

Put a bundle ofbrushwoodorhayinto the resulting hole. Half of it shouldprotrude over ice . This is hownatural locks airfor fish.

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