Garden recipe: care without secrets

What is worth knowing about cultivating castor plants?

A friend gave me some annual horse chestnut seeds? I wonder how to sow them and how to grow this plant afterwards. I am asking for advice.

Annual horse chestnut is a colloquial name. The plant in question iscastor common(Ricinus communis L.), also known as castor. She comes fromfamily wolczomleczowych ,so isvery poisonous ! Its cultivation is not complicated. Sow the seeds at the beginningMarch to multi-potsBefore sowing, soak them in water for 20-24 hours. Then place the pots onwarmandbright windowsill

We leave the doorman permanently inMaywhen the danger is overof occurrence groundfrostIt is very sensitive to frost - even 1 ° C below zero causestotal dying young plantsAdult specimens can withstand down to -3 ° C.

How to care for anthurium?

My anthurium is gone. How to cultivate them to make them beautiful again?

Anthuriumis thermophilicand must behigh temperature- approx. 22-23 ° C. This plant also needs a lot ofhumidity airSo I advise you to place a saucer with water near the pot, whichevaporating ,will increase humidityIn addition, it is also worth once a daysprinkle leaves lukewarm with waterwater the anthurium in moderation. If we notice that the ground is dry,pour waterand wait 15-20 minutes.After this time, pour out its excess from the stand or pot cover. Too abundantwateringorexcessive overdryingmay causeyellowing leaves

Can I brew beer from my own hops?

What care treatments do hops require and is it possible to brew beer from it?

Togrowing hopsfirst of all you needstrong support.It is best if it will bemurorwall pergolaThis plant prefers positions sunnyandsheltered from windsAlso requires fertile soil with a neutral pH or slightly alkaline (pH 7-7.5). Hops are a dioecious perennial - flowers (cones)produce only varieties female Seedlings can be obtained in spring fromlast year's shootsordividing carp Root However, if we buy them from the plantation, we will be sure thatthe plant is he althy

Cones from their owncultivation of course suitableforprocessingWe collect them in late summer. Just remember that beer is not brewed from hops alone. For this, you need barley, for example. Only hops inbrewing performs the function spices

Why doesn't the hydrangea bloom?

My hydrangea bloomed poorly last season. I wonder if maybe now, in the spring, I should somehow trim it or feed it with fertilizer?

The need and type of pruning depends onvariety shrub Hydrangea gardenblooms insecond year shoots , so cutting the stems will stop this process. In turn, bouquet and tree hydrangeas can bepruned regularly,because flower buds are produced only onthis year's shoots In addition to the correct pruning, when caring for these plants, it is also important to fertilize, preferablywith preparations intended for specificallyfor hydrangeas. We feed the plants every 2 weeks from April to October. Also remember aboutfrequentandabundant watering

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