Garden recipe: planning seedlings in a vegetable garden

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" The author of the following text is Ewa Ruman from Mielec, a reader of the magazine Przepis na Ogród. "

In spring, my husband and I always plan what and where to plant. This is important, because we will enjoy the crops from the plot all year round.We try to arrange the land so that everyone has something favorite.We primarily take into account the needs of our daughter, who is curious about different tastes.

On a 2.5-ares plot, we have designated areas for a vegetable garden, flowers, fruit trees and ornamental trees. We try to be careful when planning planting, because then the garden is easier to cultivate and more pleasant to use.We remember that spring without spring vegetables would be like winter without snow. So we sow lettuce, radish and watercress, which we harvest in May.

Our vegetable garden must not lack cucumbers, next to which we plant zucchini, as well as tomatoes.We remember that tomatoes and cucumbers do not like each other not only on the plate, but also on the bed, so we plan them at a distance from each other.Carrots must also be included among the obligatory species on our plot, parsley and onion.

In addition, we also have a lot of our beloved strawberries. Sizable blueberry and chokeberry bushes grow along the fence.We plan to plant a new variety of low-foaming raspberries in their vicinity. A well thought out planting plan is very importantIt gives you the satisfaction of having abundant crops. And I also read that it supposedly increases the efficiency of the vegetable garden three times.

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