Along the fence I have a row of common yew trees. This season I would like to trim these bushes a little. When is the best time to do this?
If there is nofrostandlarge rain snow, then we can start cutting hedges fromshrubs conifersThese plants are pruned once a year in the spring before thestart vegetationor inAugustafter the end of growth. In February, the shoots of such shrubs as forsythia, shrubs, lilacs or golden plants must not be shortened.Theseplants formed flower budsin the summer of the previous year. Therefore, we cut them only after flowering, shortening the shoots by 1/3 of the length.
Remember thatbefore we start the spring cut cutting , wait for the plants, previously bent under the weight of snow,will returntoyour regular shape .
I don't know what it will be like this year, but often a thaw begins at the end of February. Then big puddles stand in different places in my garden and destroy the plants. How to prevent it?
Heated by the sunsnow starts to melt , but the water does not seep because the soil below isstill frozenIn a place where puddles form,plants rottingdue to lack of oxygen, or will freeze when the water is ice again.Therefore, it is important toremove puddlesas soon as possible. The easiest method ispricking frozen soilWe do this with a pitchfork or an aerator. In flowerbeds, be careful not todestroy roots plantsDelikatniehammerforks(1-2 cm) and pull them out, keeping in the same position. We make several punctures vertically and diagonally.
I have several shrubs with ornamental fruit in my garden. Apparently, you can make tinctures from them. I am asking for a hint of which species?
Forhomemade he alth tincturesfruits of several shrubs are suitable. For example, tart and vitamin C-rich dogwood berries are ready to be harvested at the turn ofSeptemberandOctoberAlso an excellent raw material for a tincture oamsztynowej colorsare the fruit of the Japanese quince.They are collected at the end of October. They havetart flavorand they arequite hardYou have to use themremove sockets seed
The tincture can also be made from rowan fruit. Such a drink isvery aromaticAlsoblueberrieshawthornandblack lilacare used forproduction tincturesTo get fullness flavor , crush the fruit orsliceand remove seeds
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Quince fruit resemble small apples in shape and size. |
In my gardens I see artistically trimmed shrubs. Is it a difficult art and can yew be trimmed into a spiral?
This is along processandrequiresaround 4-5 years of regular cuts. It is best to start forming onyoung bush cisuWe buy a slender half-meter seedling, place it in the ground and support it togrew verticallyInin the second yearwe begin its formation. Initially, cut the yew into a cylinder shape with a diameter of 10-15 cm - this procedure is performed inFebruaryorbeginning March
Second timewe cut the bushat the end of summer - also in the shape of a cylinder, but with a slightly larger diameter. In the third year, we repeat this cut, and in the fourth year, we startto form a spiral.To do this, remove all the supports and wrap the shrub around (in a spiral) wire that will designateshape andlines cuts Then, with a pruner, remove single twigs "under" the wire, starting frombottom plantsThen remove the wire and from a certaindistance we evaluate the obtainedshape. You may need some cosmetic cut.
In subsequent yearssystematically we careso as not to losespiral shape bush . It is worth remembering that formed plants are much less resistant tofrostanddrought .
So far, I haven't had time to repeat the bleaching of trunks. But I can see that almost all of the lime has drained. Please let me know if this procedure can be performed in February.
February is the deadline for repeatingbleaching treesandshrubs fruitandornamentalTrunks exposed to the sun from the south should be painted higher, because from this side they heat up the most.Unpainted, warmed during the daybark will freeze at night , which will cause gangrene wounds.