Blume's multicolored circle (Silhouette)

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Koleus Blumego Plectranthus scutellarioides (until recently known as Coleus blumei) can impress with the beauty of its multi-colored leaves.It appeared in European gardens and apartments over a hundred years ago, and since then many varieties have been bred from it hybrid.

One of the newer varietal groups is Mosaik, which includes varieties such as 'Thin Mint', 'Amason Green', 'Burgundy Velvet', 'Rose Blast' and 'Lava Red', distinguished in addition to their attractive leaf color (bicolored or tri-colored), compact habit.It is worth remembering that urticaria, which is also the name of the plant, creates little ornamental inflorescence shoots that must be removed so that they do not weaken plant growth.

We grow them in sunny places, in a fairly fertile soil with a slightly acidic pH and moderately moist (excess water causes the roots to rot, and the lack of it to wilting leaves).For watering, we use soft water (without calcium) .Urticaria can be easily propagated by means of shoot cuttings, which quickly take root in water poured into a dark vessel.

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