
Bearded carnation Dianthus barbatus - position, care

The intense colors of the lovely carnation flowers are the essence of summer, as is their fragrance. The bearded carnation loves the sun and does not require abundant watering. Here are the rules for growing and caring for a carnation.

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Guests from the Antipodes

Plants from Australia, Africa and South America delight and ... shock. Growing them at home is a challenge worth taking! Especially since it is difficult to resist their extraordinary beauty.

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Crataegus hawthorn - position, planting, care, pruning

Hawthorn is an exceptionally graceful hedge plant - its fragrant flowers attract bees and butterflies, and the red fruit can be used in the kitchen. Here are the rules for the care of hawthorn and its application.

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Photinia tree - position, planting, cultivation, cutting

Głogownik is an extremely decorative shrub that will enrich the garden with the intense red of its young leaves. Care for the Hawthorn is not complicated, as long as we provide it with a suitable position.

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Wisteria Wisteria - position, cultivation, care

The long-lived wisteria grows to an impressive size and delights with a veritable storm of beautiful flowers in shades of purple and pink. Here are the step-by-step rules for growing wisteria: position selection, cutting, care.

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Arabis geese - position, planting, cultivation, care

Graceful geese with delicate flowers is an undemanding perennial that perfectly emphasizes the natural garden arrangements. Here is a step-by-step care for a geese: planting, pruning, application.

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Twigs for good luck

Fruit tree branches cut right now and placed in a vase bloom exactly on Christmas Day. In old folk beliefs, they symbolized prosperity and prosperity.

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Hosta hosta - silhouette, care, form of growth

Popular funkies are found in many gardens thanks to decorative foliage and low maintenance requirements. The cultivation of funkia in details below: silhouette, position, description of form and popular varieties.

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Gajlardia Gaillardia - position, planting, care

Gajlardia flowers in energetic colors: yellow, orange and red will brighten up every bed. If we remember to feed regularly, growing gajlardia will not be a problem for us.

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Fuchsia - varieties, reproduction, care

These remarkably original plants are grown in thousands of varieties, some of them still unnamed. Modern hybrids bloom for weeks.

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Fuchsia Fuchsia hybrids - silhouette, care

Fancy bell-shaped fuchsia flowers are the hallmark of this decorative terrace plant. Learn the recipe for the cultivation and care of fuchsia along with information on wintering and use.

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Fuchsia Fuchsia - silhouette, care, wintering, tips

Thanks to the extraordinary beauty of flowers, fuchsia is hard to confuse with other ornamental plants. Here's everything you need to know about growing fuchsia - plant silhouette, care, fertilization, wintering and pruning.

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Fuchsia Fuchsia - position, care, fertilization, cutting

The queen of balconies and terraces - fuchsia - delights with colorful, unusual flowers. Caring for fuchsia is not complicated. Here are the necessary tips: how to water, fertilize, prune the fuchsia.

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Intermediate forsythia Forsythia intermedia - cultivation, cutting

Joyful, yellow flowers of forsythia are associated with the arrival of spring and wonderfully cheer up the early spring landscape of the garden. Here are the step-by-step rules for caring for forsythia, cutting and reproducing forsythia.

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This is how we care for summer cut flowers!

The beauty of guests not only on discounts! We advise which plants are best suited for cut flowers and how to care for them so that they stay fresh for a long time.

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African violet Saintpaulia ionantha - care, protection

The multitude of varieties differing in flower size and color make the African violet a desirable home plant. There are also no big requirements when it comes to cultivation and care.

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Ficus benjamina ficus Ficus benjamina - silhouette, care

Benjamin Ficus is a lovely houseplant that requires a specific position and care. Here's how to cultivate, fertilize, irrigate, replant, and protect Benjamin Ficus.

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Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis - silhouette, cultivation, care

Phalaenopsis is a popular - also due to the simplicity of cultivation - variety of orchids. The cultivation and care of phalaenopsis is not complicated, as is replanting, protecting and fertilizing this perennial.

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Phaseolus coccineus beans - silhouette, cultivation

Large-leaved beans are characterized by invigorating, juicy green leaves and fresh white and bright red flowers. Here are the rules for growing and caring for this graceful creeper, as well as some valuable advice.

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Epimedium Epimedium

Epimedium is distinguished by contrastingly colored leaves and tiny flowers resembling orchid flowers. Epimedium care comes down to the fall cut. Here's everything you need to know about the cultivation of epimedium, incl. selection of a site, plant development or a method of its reproduction.

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Exotic Entanglement (Tip)

The tilandsja species with its unconventional appearance won the hearts of many plant lovers looking for original housing decorations. The star of the species is the decorative bearded tilandsja.

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The bell of Poszarski Campanula poscharskyana - care

Poszarski's bell will cover the rock garden with a cloud of cute, star-shaped flowers in blue, purple or white. The cultivation of the Poszarski bell is not a complicated task.

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Exotic Clivia

It is not harmed by cigarette smoke or dry air. It blooms once a year, but in good conditions it can delight again in the fall.

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Campanula medium bell - seeding, care

Happy bells will add charm and rural atmosphere to every discount. Caring for a garden bell is not difficult, but you should remember to water it regularly. Here is the cultivation of the bell step by step.

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Campanula bell - care, position, form of growth

The decorative bell comes in many varieties, differing in the height of the shoots and the color of flowers. How do I care for ringtones? Learn the recipe for the care of bells as well as the form of growth and figure.

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St. John's wort Hypericum calycinum - silhouette, care, reproduction, position

St. John's wort is an evergreen ground cover plant with low maintenance requirements.

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Mullein Verbascum - position, care, form of growth

The impressive soaring shoots of the mullein and its resistance to drought make this perennial an attractive decoration in any garden. Here are care tips - how to choose a position as well as plant and fertilize the mullein.

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Dzielżan Helenium - silhouette, care, position

Dzielżan is characterized by tall shoots, up to two meters in height, and inflorescences with magnificent baskets. We advise you on how to cultivate and nurture your shared ones and choose a position for them.

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We divide potted plants

By division you can multiply, among others many species of ferns and orchids, herbaceous plant, aspidistra, arrowroot, kalatee and others. The signal to divide is the growing of roots outside the pot, e.g. through the drainage holes. For this purpose, the plants are gently removed from the pots, cleaned of excess soil and dead organs, and then divided vertically into two or more parts.

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Dracena - a bit of exoticism at home

Although only fragrant dracaena blooms in our country, thanks to its diverse leaves, this plant is found in many species in Poland. Apart from beauty, its advantage is low care requirements.

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