Hosta hosta - silhouette, care, form of growth

More about the plant below:


category : perennials

position : partial shade, shade

height : 10 cm - 1.2 m

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, sandy loam, humus

watering : a lot

color leaves/needles : green, white-green, yellow-green, yellow

color of flowers : purple, white

shape : tufted

period flowering : June-October

seeding : autumn, spring (does not repeat parent plant features)

reproduction:division of clumps, sowing

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : flower beds, balconies, cut flowers, terraces, edible plant

pace of growth : fast

Funkia - silhouetteThe form of growth of funkiaFunkie - positionFunkia care

Funkia - silhouette

Funkia is widely used in ornamental horticulture, it is elegant and easy to care for.Moreover, it becomes more and more beautiful with age.

Form of funkii growth

Funkia is available in over 2 thousand.species and even countless breeding varieties. Everyone will find something for themselves.They are funky small and large, dyed light and dark green, in shades of blue and grayThey are finally also funky with yellow and multicolored leaves.

The flowers are purple, blue or white, set on narrow spikes.Depending on the species, they last from 4 to 6 weeks in the period from June to September.Some species, e.g. goblin funkia (height 50 to 80 cm, light green, white flowers), They are distinguished by a very intense scent.

The heart-shaped leaves of the funki form dense clusters that are constantly growing in some species. Recommendable are, among others Siebolda 'Elegans' (gray-blue), Fortune's 'Aureomaculata' (golden yellow with white edging) and wavy funkia 'Univittata' (green-white).

Funkie - position

Optimal conditions for growing funka are in shady and semi-shaded positions in a moderately moist, humus substrate. Species with bluish leaves tolerate dry growth conditions better than green-leaved species.Forms with yellow or multicolored leaves acquire more intense color when grown in more sunny locations.

Compost ideal for fertilization

Funkii care

In spring, fertilize funkie with compost. Leaves, especially just breaking leaves, should be protected against snails.In the case of long-lasting drought plants, mainly green-leaved species, should be watered regularly.All funkies can be reproduced by division - in spring or after flowering, in August or September.

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