More about the plant below:
Wisteria (Wisteria)
category : climbers
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 15 m
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : blue, purple, pink, white
form : climbing
period flowering : May-June, August-September
seeding : spring
reproduction:semi-woody cuttings, root suckers, layering, sowing (not recommended)
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : balconies, gardens, pergolas, trellises, gazebos, terraces
pace of growth : fast
Wisteria - silhouetteDevelopmental features of wisteriaStand for wisteriaWisteria - careWisteria - applicationAdviceWisteria (wisteria, m alt) comes from Asia and North America.The twisting, powerful climber delights with lush, often fragrant flowers and pretty feathery leaves.
The right-handed shoots of the Japanese flower wisteria Wisteria floribunda reach a height of 5-10 m, while the left-curving Chinese wisteria Wisteria sinensis grows to a height of 15-20 m. In April and May (sometimes also in June) collected flowers develop in impressive clusters up to 30 cm long.There are varieties with white, pink, purple and blue flowers.After flowering, pruning of the shoots is required. Attention! All parts of this long-lived plant are poisonous.
The best conditions for plant development are provided by a warm, sunny and sheltered place with fertile, well-drained soil. In partial shade, the wisteria blooms poorly. Does not like excessive moisture in the substrate.
Young plants are planted in spring or autumn. In winter, autumn specimens should be protected from frost.In periods of drought, especially in spring, water the wisteria regularly to prevent shedding flowers.
Spades for planting and digging in wisteria:
Wisteria is an excellent climber for pergolas and balconies. When planting, remember about a distance of 1-2 m from the gutters and downspouts, because very strong young shoots can crush them.Plants planted against the wall need a stable support.
These could be, for example, vertical tensioned stainless steel ropes (they should be fastened approximately 15 cm from the wall).Pay attention to the condition of the plaster.If it is cracked, wisteria shoots can destroy it.
We only buy grafted seedlings.Plants grown from seeds only bloom very little after many years.