The winter is over. When it warms up, many of us enter the garden after a long winter break, believing that the plants were dormant in winter sleep and nothing was happening in the garden. Meanwhile, it turns out thatthe lawn does not look the same after the winter- it has been seriously damaged. In order to restore its last year's splendor, it is necessary to carry out a series of maintenance works. See whatlawn care after winter , when to carry out the firstlawn fertilization after winterand what it looks likerenovation of a damaged lawnand filling losses in turf.
Lawn after winter. Tools ready to go
First of allthe lawn may be damaged by frost after the winterDuring frosts, the turf may be torn off the ground. The water that collects under it alternately freezes and thaws, lifting the turf upwards. The result is that in spring the turf that has been torn off its roots usually withers.
Another problem,that can be observed on the lawn after winter , is snow mold. It occurs most often on lawns with a predominance of perennial ryegrass or meadow grass. Its formation is favored by the persistence of thick and crusted snow cover for a long time. The symptom is white mycelium around the damaged surface, visible in periods of high humidity.
A number of damages could also be caused by moles. The activity of these animals increases towards the end of autumn (late October) when they prepare to survive the winter.Their activity increases again in spring, when numerous larvae and grubs appear in the fertile and moist soil, which are the delicacy of moles.The appearance of numerous molehills on the lawnmay therefore be an unpleasant surprise for us.
So what should it look likelawn care after winterto cope with all these problems?
The basic procedure to be done in spring israking the lawn after winterThis treatment should be done before the growing season begins, usually in March.
To raking is best to use a fan rake, sometimes referred to as a broom rake.Cross-rake the lawn after winterto thoroughly rake out old, dry stalks left after winter and dead plant remains, which may be a habitat of diseases and pests.
Lawn after winter - raking dry grass and leaves
Seemingly such a raking is not a big deal, but you can work hard at the same time. And when it turns out thatfrom the lawn we rake a full bag of dead grass remnants, dry leaves and other debris , we will see with our own eyes how the lawn was polluted.
During this activity we clean the lawn and we evaluate its condition.On this basis, we will decide which of the next care treatments should be performed "
During the winter, as a result of frost and repeated freezing and thawing of water under the soil surface, it could be enough totear pieces of turf from the ground . This is manifested by the characteristicbumps and unevenness on the lawn surface .
Rolling the lawn after winter
In this case,rolling will help to press the turf to the ground and level the lawn surface However, remember not to roll on clay, heavy and compacted soils, because this treatment will compact the soil even more. Therefore, we only roll the lawn if the lawn condition really requires it and we are sure that the ground under the lawn is not excessively compacted. Annual rolling is beneficial only on light soils.
Often neglected work inlawn care after winterare lawn scarification and aeration. Both of these treatments should also be performed before any symptoms of grass growth appear.
Lawn scarification after winter
Fig. WOLF-Garten
Scarifying consists of cutting the turf verticallywith a scarifier. This treatment relaxes the lawn and helps to rejuvenate it, and also allows you to remove the built-up felt coating. Scarifying also helps to remove moss from the lawn. After scarifying the lawn looks torn but the positive effects of this treatment can be seen very quickly. The lawn is rejuvenated, compacted and becomes green in color.
We scarify only lawns that are at least 2 years oldand collected on them a layer of dry felt. Younger lawns that are not yet well rooted may be harmed by this treatment.
We resign from scarifying if it was necessary to roll the turf torn off the groundIn such a case, the scarification could excessively damage the lawn and to destroy the effects of rolling.
Aeration is the piercing of the turf with spikesin order to aerate the grass roots. This treatment is performed with an aerator. On small home lawns, you can use special spikes for shoes or, due to poverty, you can also prick the turf with a pitchfork. Unfortunately, in both cases it is very laborious.That's why it's worth getting a handheld lawn aerator.
Lawn aeration after winter
Fig. ©
This tool has a light openwork shaft with spikes screwed into it. You need to put some effort into pressing the device against the lawn, butaeration is done very quicklyIn addition, the device is light, easy to carry, and its foldable handle makes it easy to store. Since these types of aerators are rare, we have decided to introduce this practical and inexpensive aerator to the store of our guide.
The handheld aerator recommended by us has quite short spikes, 3.5 cm long. Thanks to this,is perfect for aerating young lawns , up to 3 years after their establishment, which are still shallowly rooted. For aerating older lawns with deeper roots, use a 6-10 cm spike aerator.
For large lawns over 400m² it is necessary to purchase an electric or combustion gas aerator. The most practical solution isto purchase a dual-function scarifier-aerator , in which the scarifying blades can be replaced with a shaft with aeration spikes. Aeration can also be done with spikes placed on the shaft intended for rolling the lawn. If we have such a roller, it is enough to buy only spikes.
To improve the aeration effect, it is also worth usingliquid lawn aeratorThis product aerates and revitalizes the lawn, but the mechanism of its operation is completely different than with traditional mechanical aeration. The liquid aerator contains cultures of beneficial microorganisms that enliven the soil, improve its structure and break down dead organic matter. As a result, they loosen the ground under the lawn and improve aeration, similar to traditional mechanical aeration.The treatment with a liquid aerator is easier and less time-consuming , because the lawn is simply sprayed with a microbiological nutrient.However, while in the case of mechanical aeration the effect is immediate, the bacteria contained in the liquid aerator need some time to take effect and multiply in the soil.
After aeration, when the soil is riddled with the spikes of the aerator, it is advisable tosand the lawnIt is necessary on heavy and compacted soils, and its purpose is just to loosen the ground under the lawn. The sand applied after aeration will fill the holes in the ground, which will allow for a longer loose structure of the substrate and facilitate breathing and development of grass roots.
Sandblasting is not performed on lawns growing on light soils , sandy and drying too quickly. "
Lawns grow best in slightly acidic to neutral soils, and the recommended pH is between 5.5 and 7.0.If the ground under the lawn is too acidic or there is mosson the lawn, it is necessary to raise the soil pH by liming. But let's start by measuring the pH of the soil. If it is below pH 5.5, liming will be beneficial for the lawn.
Usually, measuring the pH of the soil requires taking a soil sample, so we need to dig a piece of turf. In order toavoid such damage to the grass and obtain an accurate and reliable pH measurement result , it is worth using an electronic soil meter. In this case, it is enough to stick the meter probe into the ground and the result is obtained within 30 seconds.
Measurement of soil pH under the lawn
Fig. ©
Liming the lawn can be carried out together with sandblasting. However, it is important to do them before the grass starts growing. If we started the rest of the maintenance work too late and the grass has already started to grow, we have to wait until autumn before liming.In home and allotment gardensI recommend Dolomitefor liming the lawn, which will enrich the soil with magnesium and improve the color of the turf.
When we notice the first symptoms of grass growth and not earlier than 2 weeks after liming,fertilize the lawn after winterIt is especially important during this period to provide the lawn with an appropriate dose of nitrogen. For this purpose, ammonium nitrate can be used in the amount of 1.2 to 1.8 kg / 100m² of the lawn. Thanks to this fertilization, the lawn will regenerate faster and will take on a juicy color.
It is important, however, thatnitrogen fertilizer should be spread evenly on the lawn surfaceThe effect of uneven fertilizer application will be visible for a long time due to uneven dyeing and uneven coloring grass growth.
In addition to nitrogen fertilization, it will also be beneficial topotash fertilizer(1 kg 60% potassium s alt per 100m²) and phosphorus fertilizer, if we forgot about this treatment in the fall.
When looking for a simpler solution, you can use granularcompound fertilizer for lawn
Amongready-made fertilizer mixtures for lawnswe can choose fertilizer that responds to problems on our lawn, e.g. fertilizer that displaces weeds or fertilizer for lawns with moss, or simply fertilizer generally corresponding to the needs of the lawn in the spring period, such as spring fertilizer for lawns Vitamins For Plants.
Lawn fertilization will have to be repeated several times during the season
The solution for people who do not have much time to care for the garden isfertilizer for slow-release lawn , eg Substral lawn fertilizer 100 days. The granules of this fertilizer are coated with a special polymer, thanks to which the nutrients from the fertilizer are released into the soil very slowly. Such fertilizer is quite expensive, but it is used only once a season, preferably right after the beginning of the growing season.
We should also remember thatfor proper lawn growth after winter , apart from mineral fertilization, it is necessary to enrich the soil with organic substances. For this purpose, you can use a mower with a mulching function (cut grass is chopped and thrown back onto the lawn, it decomposes over time and fertilizes the soil) or compost. If we do not have a mulching mower or our own compost source, it is worth using organic fertilizers to fertilize the lawn. The Safe Lawn fertilizer is an ideal solution here. It is a 100% natural fertilizer for lawns, produced on the basis of compost. It is safe for people and pets, and does not pose a risk of over-fertilization.
After completing the above-described work, the lawn should begin to grow intensively and compact nicely. When the blades grow over 6 cm in height, we canmow the lawn for the first time after winter The timing of this treatment depends on the weather and the growth rate of the grass. Sometimes the first mowing is necessary as early as March and sometimes as late as April. It will not always be done after fertilizing, because if the grass starts growing quickly, it is good to apply the first fertilization only after the first mowing.
Mowing the lawn after winter
Remember tocheck the mower condition before mowingand, if necessary, sharpen its blades (this usually has to be performed by a specialized service). If the mower blades are not sharp enough, the grass will be torn and badly damaged.
If your lawn has badly damaged fragments, bald patches of dry grass or even holes completely stripped of turf, as part ofrenovation of the lawn after winter , it will be necessary to sow the grass on the existing the lawn or supplementing these fragments with turf clippings from other parts of the lawn.
Sowing the lawn after winter is mainly used for cavities on a larger surface establishing a lawn. If we do not remember what kind of grass we sowed, we can use Regina's special grass to fill the losses.
Comparison of the lawn before and after sowing self-compacting grass. Test in 2019
Fig. ©
An even better solution is the use of last year's novelty, which isSubtral SAMO thickening grassIt contains seeds of specially selected grass that grows with the help of underground rhizomes. As a result, the lawn will compact itself spontaneously, and new tufts of grass continue to grow next to the already growing tufts. Importantly, SAMO grass works well in the Polish climate, it is more frost-resistant and grows faster than regular grass.Thanks to thisthe effect of the additional seeding can be seen very quickly
The sown seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil or sand and watered. The first mowing of the sown lawn sections is performed much later than the rest of the turf, i.e. only when the grasses are at least 10 cm high.
Small defects in the lawn after winterit is better to cover with pieces of turf taken from other places on the lawn (e.g. lawn edges hidden under bushes). To do this, dig a small depression in the damaged fragment and place a piece of turf from another place in this place. Then press the flap with the back of the rake or with your hands and water it. We water such a place regularly so that it does not dry out and during the first mowing we avoid it so as not to tear the turf from the ground (it is trimmed only with scissors).
When deciding torenovate the lawn after winter , it is worth paying attention to the fact that when most of its surface is caved and is covered with moss or weeds, it may be more beneficial to completely remove the turf and sow the lawn from scratch.
If you need more information onhow to properly care for your lawn , we recommend the fantastic book Beautiful Trawnik. Valued specialists in beautiful turf reveal in itall the secrets of setting up and caring for lawnsFrom proper soil preparation for sowing grass, through choosing the right lawn mixture, to step-by-step instructions on how to set up and care for a lawn.
After reading this book, you will find thatthere is a solution to every problem with your lawnYou just need to learn about it. And everything you need to know is in this book: -) "