Ficus benjamina ficus Ficus benjamina - silhouette, care

More about the plant below:

Ficus benjamina

category : potted

position : partial shade

height : up to 4 m

wintering : room, 15-20 ° C

reaction soil : slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, rich in humus, permeable

watering : moderate

color leaves/needles : green, green-white, green-yellow

color of flowers : green

habit : bushy, woody

period flowering : different seasons, rarely

seed : -

reproduction:tip cuttings, layering

persistence leaves : evergreen

application : rooms, cut flower

pace of growth : fast

Ficus - silhouetteFicus standFicus - irrigationFertilizing the ficusFicus - transplantingFicus protectionAdvice

Ficus - silhouette

Ficus Benjamin belongs to the most popular representatives of the genus Ficus. The available varieties have straight leaves of a uniform shade of green, corrugated leaves and white and light yellow speckles. The Benjamin Ficus produces inconspicuous fruit, unfortunately poisonous.The white sap of plants can sometimes irritate the skin.

Ficus stand

Ficus prefers bright positions, but not too much sun. It is worth remembering that varieties with variegated leaves require better lighting than varieties with uniform green leaves.The optimum cultivation temperature is 20-23 ° C, in winter the temperature must not drop below 18 ° C.Many varieties react to changing positions and drafts by shedding their leaves.

Ficus - irrigation

Overfilling the root ball quickly results in shedding leaves, therefore the fig tree should be watered with smaller doses of water, but at regular intervals. Air humidification prevents the occurrence of mildew.

Ficus fertilization

In summer, we feed the fig tree every 2 weeks with generally available fertilizer for green plants. In winter, power is supplied every 4 weeks.

Ficus - transplanting

Older specimens should be replanted every 2-3 years, in early spring. For the substrate we use a permeable substrate (soil for potted plants is mixed with sand).

Ficus protection

With too low air humidity, spider mites may appear.The sticky cream on the underside of the leaves is a natural plant secretion.


Ficus trees can be led in such a way that the shoots intertwine "in a braid" - this will significantly increase their attractiveness.

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