By division you can multiply, among others many species of ferns and orchids, herbaceous plant, aspidistra, arrowroot, kalatee and others.The signal to divide is the growing of roots outside the pot, e.g. through the drainage holes.
For this purpose, the plants are gently removed from the pots, cleaned of excess soil and dead organs, and then divided vertically into two or more parts. Plants can be torn apart or cut open with a knife or pruner. The divided parts are planted in a fresh substrate.Pots must have a drainage hole at the bottom.
It is very important to provide good drainage to prevent overflow of the plants. We can use light materials for this, e.g. expanded clay or, if we want to increase the stability of the pot, heavier gravel, crushed stone or broken clay pots. The drainage layer should be at least 5 cm thick.When planting, be careful that the roots do not bend upwards.
Too long it is better to shorten it - so that when straightened, it fits in the pot. After planting the plant, water it abundantly and place it in a bright (but not directly sunny) and warm place.