More about the plant below:
Epimedium Epimedium
category : perennials
position : partial shade, shade
height : 30-50 cm
frost resistance : to -20 ° C
soil reaction : neutral, slightly acidic
soil preferences : fertile, humus, well-drained, sandy loam
watering: lots
colorleaves / needles: green, brown, purple, reddish
color of flowers : pink , purple, white
habit : clumpy
flowering period : April-May seeding
: spring, autumnreproduction
: division of clumps, runnersleaf durability
: seasonalapplication
: beds, ground cover, balconies, terracesgrowth rate
: fast
This perennial is native in Japan. Due to the attractive color of the leaves, it is a valuable ground cover plant.The cultivation mainly includes evergreen epimedium and seasonally green epimedium (summer and autumn)Orchids similar filigree flowers decorate the garden wonderfully in April and May . The color of the flowers varies and depends on the species (or variety) - from white to pink to red.
Epimedium reaches a height of up to 30 centimeters. To A hardy ground cover plant that develops numerous suckers.
Epimedium prefers semi-shaded to shaded areas in a normal but well-drained substrate.It is worth knowing that it tolerates drought very well in shaded positions. Avoid places exposed to cold, dry wind.About 9 plants per square meter should be planted.
Perennial is propagated by division in autumn, right after flowering.
Cut the epimedium shoots in autumn.In evergreen species, the old leaves must be cut off in spring (before the emergence of young buds), so that the new flowers can show themselves in all their glory.If the plant grows too much, trim its stems. Newly planted specimens are susceptible to frost, so they should be protected with a leaf bedding.
The leaves of this ground cover plant go well with ferns, funkias and grasses.Epimedium can be planted in rockeries, at the edge of a bed and in plantings covering the slope.
The new Epimedium grandiflorum 'Rubinrot' variety is characterized by an attractive purple color of the leaves.