Dzielżan Helenium - silhouette, care, position

More about the plant below:

Dzielżan (Helenium)

category : perennials

position : sun

height : 0.5 - 2 m

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : yellow, orange, red, brown

shape : raised, tufted

period flowering : June-October

seeding : spring

reproduction:division of clumps, sowing, herbaceous cuttings

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : flower beds, balconies, cut flowers, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Dzielżan - silhouetteA shared form of growthDzielżan - positionShared care

Dzielżan - silhouette

Dzielżan came to Europe from North America and perfectly adapted to our climatic conditions.Its flowers reflect almost all the colors of summer and autumn.Plants look best in large clusters formed by one variety or in combination with other tall perennials, such as delphinium, rudbeckia and aster: Neo-Belgian and American.

Divided growth form

Split flowers last from June to October.Depending on the variety, they are colored yellow, orange, red, copper, reddish brown, some varieties are multi-colored.Leaves and stems are grass-colored. Perennials reach a height of 60-70 cm. The luxuriantly flowering 'Rauchtopas' variety is worth recommending.

Despite its sky-high 130-160 cm, the perennial is very stable and unbreakable.The flowers she produces are yellow, copper-colored on the underside.The 'Rubinzwerg' variety produces brown-red flowers and due to its height of 50-80 cm it is recommended, among others, For foreground plantings on the edge of the bed.

Dzielżan - position

The optimal development conditions are in full sun and moderately moist, fertile ground.

Shared care

Dzielżan shows a high nutritional requirement. In the event of drought, the substrate should be watered regularly and abundantly. In spring, perennials should be fed with compost.In order for the shoots not to break, they should be supported on supports.

In early summer, when plants are about 50 cm tall, shoots can be cut in half.This will delay flowering, but the treatment allows the plants to take on a compact shape and are less prone to breakage.Perennials are multiplied by division in spring or summer.

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