Grapefruit extract in horticulture. Properties and spraying on plants
Unusual properties of grapefruit extract. See how to use grapefruit extract in gardening and how to spray it against plant diseases!
Read moreUnusual properties of grapefruit extract. See how to use grapefruit extract in gardening and how to spray it against plant diseases!
Read moreNatural lecithin is an ecological remedy for plant diseases. See how to use Lecitec - the first lecithin-based fungicide in Poland!
Read moreGarlic and vinegar are effective remedies for aphids. Here is a recipe made of garlic and vinegar - safe and easy to use. Thanks to it, you will get rid of aphids in no time!
Read moreA proven method for mosquitoes and ticks in the garden. This simple eco-friendly spray offers hours of peace of mind. Barbecue and garden party without insect bites!
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Read moreA gardening expert advises on how to fertilize thuja. When and what to fertilize with? Which Thuja Fertilizer is Best? Here's all about fertilizing thuja!
Read moreWhat natural remedies for plant pests are really effective? Download the table with the comparison and description of natural remedies for pests in the garden!
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Read moreThe most important spraying of fruit trees in March. What to spray with apple trees, pears, cherries, plums and cherries? Recommended preparations and spraying dates for March
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Read moreHow and with what to fertilize conifers in autumn so that they winter he althily and do not turn brown in spring? Here is a proven way to fertilize conifers in the fall!
Read moreIn the early spring, protective treatments are performed to prevent the attack of diseases and pests in spring. See how to protect plants in March. Important spraying dates!
Read moreHow easy is it to get rid of mosquitoes from the garden? It's simple - plant mosquito repellent plants. Here are the top 5 plants that mosquitoes hate!
Read moreHow to deal with conifer fungus diseases that cause browning of the needles or other symptoms. Ways to deal with pests of conifers - aphids, spider mites, bowl.
Read moreWhere do yellow stains and dry patties come from? Why does grass turn yellow and how can I fix it? Discover proven ways to make a beautiful lawn!
Read moreGood proximity to plants and vegetables has a huge impact on the success of our crops. Which plants should be planted next to each other and which plant combinations should be avoided?
Read moreWhat soil pH is required for individual vegetables? This summary will help you prepare the optimal soil for your vegetables - download the table!
Read moreAn expert advises on how to choose a fertilizer for conifers. Which conifer fertilizer is the best? When and what to fertilize conifers? Here is all about fertilizer for conifers!
Read moreSECRET of the action of Emulpar 940 EC. This natural pest treatment is so effective that the producers of garden chemicals tremble and the pests run away like crazy!
Read more3 the most dangerous diseases of onions and combating them. What to do when the onion is rotting and the chives break and wilt? Here are proven ways to get a he althy onion!
Read moreSnails can be a nuisance in any garden, and humid weather contributes to their abundance. Fortunately, we have a new, natural and safe for the environment, and at the same time a very effective way to get rid of snails.
Read moreHow to use Promanal 60 EC against plant pests? Time of spraying, recommended dosage, pest control, ecological spraying with Promanal
Read morePotassium soap, garden soap - application in plant protection, how it works. Is it really effective and how to use potassium soap in the garden?
Read moreWhat is the best and effective way to kill mosquitoes in the garden? Which one to choose? Learn about proven natural methods and spraying against mosquitoes in the garden!
Read morePest pimple premepion. What does it look like and what damage does it cause? A simple way to combat natural early spring in orchards and gardens!
Read moreMospilan 20 SP - what is its effect and what pests it fights? How to use Mospilan 20 SP and how to prepare the spray liquid - dates and dosage
Read moreWhat pests are on thujas and how to recognize them? Thuja cup and cypress honey pot - description, symptoms and treatment. Spraying for pests of thuja
Read moreEvasiol is a ready-made, ecological horsetail spray. It is surprisingly effective! No herb picking or weighing of macerates. See how easy it is
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