A vegetable can be cultivated by sowing directly into the ground or by seedling.
Prepare early seedlings for harvesting under covers, sowing seeds in the second. The production of seedlings takes about 40 days. In the first days of April, we plant the plants in a permanent place at a distance of 40-50x20-30 cm.In spring cultivation, the leaves and petioles of the leaf beet can be harvested from the end of April.
For summer and autumn harvesting, seeds are usually sown directly into the ground. We start in mid-April and finish sowing at the beginning of July. In the cultivation of young leaves, we can sow seeds even every two weeks in rows every 40-50 cm. After emergence, we interrupt the seedlings, leaving them in a row every 20-25 cm. After 8-10 weeks from sowing, the plants are ready for harvest. Harvesting lasts from the end of September, even until late autumn.
Leaf beetroot shows little sensitivity to frost, long day and high temperature. It grows best in a sunny position, it also tolerates slight shading. It has no tendency to knock out into inflorescence shoots early.
Crops should not be established in monoculture. Beetroot grows badly next to garlic, broad beans, beans, carrots, potatoes and spinach. In addition to beets, it is worth sowing herbs, especially savory, cumin and coriander.Their smell deters pests such as beetroot aphid, beetroot cream and beetroot cream.
Raised beds will be perfect in this case!
Due to the short growing season, leaf beetroot is perfect for catch crops, for example after early brassica or squash
Although it can be cultivated on all types of soil, except sand and heavy loams, it prefers fertile soils with high water capacity.
Leaf beetroot can basically be grown only on mineral fertilizers, but it has been found that it responds positively to fertilization with manure or green fertilizers … It is grown in the first or second year after manure.
Plant care is all about weeding and irrigation. Among other things, due to the short vegetation period of leaf beet, no herbicides or other plant protection products are used in its cultivation.
Leaf beets are one of the vegetables that we can sow on the balcony. However, one condition must be met - a very sunny position on the west or south side. Beet seeds are sown in a pot filled with garden soil with the addition of compost or multi-component fertilizer. Put a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. Plants require frequent and regular watering and fertilizing.