Soaring and versatile penstemons

The author of the text is Dr. Katarzyna Wróblewska

Among garden plants, there are few kinds as colorful and diverse, and at the same time as little appreciated as Penstemon penstemons, also known as turtles or whiskers.The diversity of these plants can be seen at least by the number of species (almost 300) of this North American genus from the leper family.

Among penstemons we can find rock plants, only 10 centimeters high, as well as magnificent perennials growing up to 3 meters.The use of penstemons is equally versatile: from dry, strongly sunlit places to shady corners.

The greatest advantage of penstemons is long, abundant and, due to the variety of the genus, also multi-colored flowering. Single flowers, gathered in long, usually raised clusters, have a characteristic tubular or funnel-shaped crown. The elongated flowers have two lips: the upper one was formed by the fusion of two petals, the other three formed the lower one.

Flowers can be of different colors: from white to pink, red, purple
and blue, in some species, e.g. Penstemon pinofolius, the crown is yellow.In small-flowered species the flowers reach 2-3 centimeters in length, in garden hybrids they are much more magnificent, even up to 7 centimeters.Elongated leaves are arranged in pairs or in whorls at the bottom of the shoots.

In Western Europe, where the climate is milder, hybrids of different species of penstemons are a real sensation.As a rule, they are distinguished by spectacular flowering: the flowers are larger and in intense colors.In Poland, especially in colder regions, plants usually require careful mulching and winter covering with fleece or twigsof conifers. Often they are sold already flowering - then they can be treated as annuals in flowerbeds or in container cultivation.

One of the most valued are hybrids of Hartweg Penstemon Hartwegian Penstemon, e.g. the 'Picotee' variety with red bell-shaped flowers with a contrasting white throat.Even more varieties arose as a result of the repeated crossing of different species.

For this reason, it is impossible to precisely determine their origin and plants are marked only with the name of the variety. The more interesting hybrids of this group include, for example, 'Raven' with dark purple flowers.Unfortunately, the high sensitivity to frost means that it can only be grown as a perennial that does not winter in the ground. The varieties suitable for cultivation in Poland are, for example, penstemon 'Schoenholzeri' and 'Rubicunda'.

Place of cultivation and reproduction

Most of the species and varieties of penstemons we cultivate best grow in sunny or semi-shaded places with at least a few hours of light during the day.Plants require fertile, permeable soilToo wet a position clearly affects the worse wintering of plants.

They are very easy to reproduce by sowing seeds in spring and by dividing them at the same time. A good method is reproduction by shoot cuttings, taken from spring to autumn from non-flowering shoots.

Penstemons can be used in a variety of ways in the garden. Higher species and varieties are suitable for planting in groups. In summer, from June to July / August, they create picturesque, colorful fields.They also work well in extensive landscape plantings.Many taxa tend to lie down, especially when grown in deep shade, so they should be planted with species tall and stiff enough to shoot penstemons they could be based on them.

Low species can be planted in front of flower beds, also suitable for rock gardens.Due to abundant flowering, many penstemons are perfect decorations for balconies and terraces. They can also be successfully used for cut flowers.

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