CorrectSoil pH for vegetablesis just as important as the structure and mineral content of the soil. Only in soil with the right pH will vegetables grow he althy and yield abundantly. AThe soil pH requirements of individual vegetablesvary slightly. Seewhich soil pH will be the bestfor your vegetables anddownload the practical tablein a printable version!
He althy vegetable growth is possible only with appropriate soil pH
All plants grown in the garden require a specific soil pH, which, among other things, determines their proper growth and development.Most vegetables thrive in soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8 , which is slightly acid to neutral soil.On acidic soils, most vegetables yield poorly , and their growth and development are weaker. For example, in the cultivation of cruciferous vegetables, acidic soils favor the occurrence of cabbage syphilis, while when growing carrots on acidic and heavy soil, emergence and harvesting will be difficult, and carrot roots will be misshapen, sometimes damaged.
The pH value of the soil for vegetables is determined using a soil acid meter(or even a simple set with Hellig's liquid). If, after the test, we determine that our soil is too acidic (i.e. the pH is too low), we should lime the soil in order to increase its pH.The reverse situation, i.e. the soil's pH is too high, is extremely rare.
In order to lower the pH of the soil for vegetableswe should reach for calcium fertilizers, which not only provide the plants with the necessary calcium, but also help to properly regulate the pH of the substrate.Liming the soil for vegetables in autumn every 3-4 yearsFor this purpose, mix the fertilizer with the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm. Valuable calcium fertilizers, especially recommended for gardens and amateur crops, include dolomite (also enriches the soil with magnesium) and carbonate lime.
The doses of calcium fertilizers for vegetablesdepend on the acidification of the soil and its structure. Higher doses of calcium fertilizers are used on heavier soils, and lower on lighter soils.
Certain vegetable crops, such as beans, peas, cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots, parsley and celery, are sensitive to fresh liming. Therefore, they should not be grown in the first year after applying calcium fertilizers.
Garden dill, tomato, parsley and corn arevegetables that prefer slightly acidic soil , i.e. pH 5.5-6.5. And vegetables such as: beetroot, onion, peas, cauliflower, kohlrabi, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, celery, asparagus or vegetable spinachrequire a soil pH of 6.0-6.8Z in turn, vegetables such as: broad beans, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, savoy cabbagefeel best in soil pH value of 6.2-7.0
A detailedlist of vegetable pH requirements for soilis presented in the table below. Below the table you will find a link to download the printable version!
Download the printable version of the vegetable pH requirements for the soil:
For deacidification of soils for vegetablesin amateur crops on plots and home gardens, slow-acting calcium fertilizers, i.e. carbonate fertilizers (CaCO3) are recommended. Unlike calcium oxide fertilizers (CaO), they are safer to use and pose a lower risk of lime over-fertilization.Calcium carbonate fertilizers work slower and their effect lasts longerThanks to this, the soil in the garden should be limed once every many years.
If the soil for vegetables is highly acidicor it is heavy, very compact soil, choosechalk, which is the fastest-acting carbonate fertilizerChalk lime is very easy to set it dissolves, so it is enough to scatter them on the ground, without the need to dig it with soil. It is perfect for use after harvesting vegetables in the fall, andthe effects of chalk liming will be visible in the following yearChalk lime also works well during soil liming in spring.Then, however, they should be used at least 3-4 weeks before growing vegetables.
If we have light, low-fertile soil in the garden, which is less stable in terms of pH or the pH of the soil is already close to the optimal for our vegetables,choose a dolomite lime that acts slower than chalk Dolomite is ground rock and it dissolves very slowly in the soil. The effect of liming is visible only after 3-4 years, but it also lasts for a very long time. Therefore, if we do not want the soil to be limed too often, choose dolomite, which will last longer. Dolomite is sufficient for liming the soil once every 4-6 years, and it is best to use it in the fall.
If the soil in our garden has a pH suitable for growing vegetablesor its pH is only slightly lower than required, bas alt flour may be used instead of liming.It is a natural fertilizer, made from grinding volcanic rock, recommended by ecological gardeners. It has a slightly alkaline reaction and very gently deacidifies the soil. Therefore, it helps to keep the soil pH appropriate for our vegetables. It dissolves slowly in the soil and does not pose a risk of over-fertilization. It is also a veryvaluable fertilizer enriching the soil in large amounts of silica , which strengthens plants and makes them resistant to diseases.
MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs