Diseases of ornamental plants

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Diseases of ornamental plantsoccur in almost every garden. They contribute to the weakening of plants and deterioration of their appearance, often destroying our efforts to care for the garden. Such diseases include leaf and needle blotches, phytophthora, powdery mildew, gray mold and various rusts. Fortunately, we will find a solution for each of them. Seehow to recognize diseases of ornamental plantsand what spraying should be done.

Black spot of rose
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

Needle and leaf spots

It often happens thatstains appear on the leaves of ornamental plantsThey can be brown, rusty, brown and even black, with a border of a different color (e.g. red) or without. It is most oftenleaf blotchThe disease may have a different origin (fungal, bacterial or viral), but most often it results from an attack by pathogenic fungi. The stained leaves wither and fall off over time. Such leaves should be removed from the plant, and those already fallen - rake. Thanks to thiswe will limit the spread of the diseaseWhen watering the plants, try not to wet their leaves, because the fungus spreads easily with drops of water. It is important to accurately identify the pathogen and use appropriate protection against leaf blotch.

The spots affect not only the leaves but also the needles of coniferous trees and shrubs.Needle blotch is manifested byinitially with small yellow spots on the needles or scales (e.g. in junipers, cypresses or thuja).The stains turn brown over time and become larger and larger. Eventually black spots appear on them. This is a sign that conoid spores are beginning to be born, with which the fungus will continue to spread. Additionally, pine can be affected by blotch only dedicated to it. It is a pine rash. This disease causes not only stains and yellowing of pine needles, but also their massive drop.

Pine rash - symptoms in autumn. Older needles turn yellow and have spots, they will drop soon
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

Spotted conifershave stunted growth and are characterized by small increments. Failure to counteract the disease may lead to the death of entire plants.


Phytophthora is a fungal diseasethat very often affects ornamental plants. Conifers, which grow in almost every garden, are particularly vulnerable to it.Azaleas and rhododendrons, in which the disease was once called the shoot tip blight, often fall victim to phytophthora. This is because as a result of it, the apical leaves and new growths died first.

Phytophthorosis on rhododendron. Browning leaves and necrosis of the shoot
Fig. Karel Černý CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

This disease affects the root system , therefore it will remain unnoticed for a long time. It makes it difficult for plants to take up water, and with it all the necessary nutrients. Shoots, leaves and needles turn brown, die and fall off. Phytophthora spreads quickly, attacking neighboring plants, so you need to act immediately. If the plants are already heavily infected, unfortunately they have to be dug up and disposed of. The place after them must be decontaminated with fungicides by watering the substrate with a solution of the agent. The pathogen is in the ground and will attack another plant planted in this place.

Powdery mildew

Many ornamental deciduous plants in gardens are infected with powdery mildewIt can be identified byflour-like white coatingthat settles on the leaves , flowers and shoots. Powdery mildew appears most often in the second half of summer, when there is drought and high temperature. Infested plants weaken and die before the eyes. Of course, it is necessary to spray with a fungicide, but before this happens, the infected parts of the plants must be removed and they must be buried deeply or disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. Remember thatdisease-infected plant residues should never be thrown into the composter , because then with the compost pathogens will spread in the garden.

Powdery mildew on rose leaves
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

Gray mold

Flowering plants, ornamental deciduous plants and even conifers can be attacked by gray mold.The disease most often manifests itself in spring or autumn, attacking the above-ground parts of plants. Flower buds attacked in spring rot and die. Other infested places become covered with a gray coating, creating watery, brown, large spots.

Rose flower attacked by gray mold
Fig. Svetlana Lisova, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

This disease of ornamental plants most often attacks after heavy rains , causing the death of parts or even entire plants. Immediately after noticing it, the affected parts should be removed and disposed of, and the whole plant should be thoroughly sprayed with a fungicide. Gray mold causes large losses not only in ornamental gardens but also in fruit and vegetable crops.

Leaf rust

When the air is still damp, caused by frequent rainfall or too frequent sprinkling of plants, leaves of clematis, hawthorn or barberry begin to "decorate" round spots with a rusty color.Most likely we are dealing withleaf rustOver time, this color changes to red-brown. At the same time, spores accumulate on the underside of the leaves, around which the leaf tissue dies. The effect is that the leaves start to curl and fall. Rust-infested parts should be removed from the garden and the entire plant should be sprayed with fungicide.

Leaves affected by rust

How to fight diseases of ornamental plants?

Instead of running pruning shears in summer and cutting out parts of plants, or worse, with a spade to remove them completely,better put on prophylaxisWhen spring comes, make an inspection and carefully take a look at each plant in the garden. Then take the pruning shears and thoroughly clean the plants of unnecessary, damaged or infected parts. All places after cuts must be protected with garden ointment so that pathogens do not attack through damage.
But it doesn't stop there. If the garden is full of beautiful and diverse plants, caring for it alone is not enough. You must use a plant protection agent prophylactically toprotect plants from disease attackIf our garden finished the previous season in excellent condition, spraying with preparations containing only natural ingredients is enough. However, if the previous year was full of attacks of disease, unfortunately we have to start the new season with a strong impact. Spraying fungicides is best used in the evening, when there is no wind and no rain is expected.

Fungicide Scorpion 325 SC
Fig. Target

One of the agents with a broad spectrum of action, which is also a guarantor of plant protection against pathogens, as well as being able to fight them, is Scorpion 325 SC. A fungicidal preparation with a surface and systemic effect. It prevents diseases of conifers, ornamental plants and thuja.At the same time, it inhibits their sporulation and development.
Scorpion 325 SC prevents diseases, but also fights many of them : shoot dieback of coniferous plants, black spot of rose, powdery mildew, spring pine rash, leaf blotch, rust and other diseases caused by soil pathogens .
The preparation can be ordered in the shop of our guide: -)

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