Common basil Ocinum basilicum
description:annual plant with oval, serrated leaves, reaching a height of 30 to 50 cm, requires warm places (grows well in containers or on sunny windowsills),
harvest and use:young leaves are harvested in summer, suitable for freezing and drying, added to salads, sauces, cottage cheese, meat and vegetable dishes,
cultivation:from March to April, seeds are sown in shallow containers at home or in a warm inspection, planting into the ground in the second half of May, requires plump and nutrient-rich soil, and regular irrigation ( when watering, do not wet the plants!),
More: common basil - cultivation and use
Summer savory Satureja hortensis
description:annual plant reaching 30 to 40 cm in height, blooms blue, bright red or white, known for its positive effect on the digestive system (stimulates the appetite, eliminates indigestion and gas),
harvest and use:fresh or dried pepper-flavored herb with a strong spicy aroma is used as a seasoning for bean and pea dishes, soups, fatty meats and sauces,
cultivation:seeds are sown in containers from April to the beginning of May, covering with soil very shallow, from the end of May to June the seedlings are planted in the ground in a sunny position and well loosened soil,
More: Garden savory - medicinal properties, cultivation, application
Coriander Cariandrum sativum
description:plant with cut leaves and tiny white or pinkish flowers, reaches a height of 40 to 70 cm, gives off a rather unpleasant smell,
harvest and use:young leaves are harvested and used fresh or frozen, umbels are harvested as the seeds mature, lower leaves can be added to curries, sauces and salads, seeds with a sweet, spicy aroma used for baking, cakes, sauces and sausages,
cultivation:seeds are sown in spring, they germinate after about 2 weeks, the plant grows quite slowly, so harvesting is possible only in late summer, requires sunny positions and plump soil, it is good if the soil contains some lime,
More: Coriander - medicinal properties, application, cultivation
Dill Anethum graveolens
description:plant up to 60 cm tall, with feathery leaves and yellow-green flowers gathered in umbels,
harvest and use:leaves are harvested in spring or summer before flowering, and the seeds in summer, when they are ripe, the leaves should not be dried, because then they lose their aroma, while the cut leaves can be frozen, but most of all they are used immediately after harvesting, dill is a classic addition to cucumbers, potatoes and fish dishes,
cultivation:seeds are sown directly into the ground in spring and, if necessary, we can sow them throughout the summer, dill requires a sunny and wind-protected position, likes moist soil, but does not tolerate constant moisture,
More: Fennel - properties, cultivation, varieties, diseases
Marjoram Origanum majorana
description:grown as an annual or biennial plant with a strong smell, it grows to a height of 30 to 50 cm,
harvest and use:fresh or dried leaves are a valuable spice for cold cuts, roasts, tripe, soups, as well as an addition to stuffing, the infusion is used for colds,
cultivation:seeds are sown from mid-March in a warm inspection room or in containers indoors, in May, after cold gardeners, you can also sow directly into the ground, requires sunny positions, sheltered from the wind, and not too dry, plump and nutrient-rich soil, because it grows rather slowly, it is worth transplanting it into a pot for the winter and overwintering at home,
More: Garden marjoram - medicinal properties, varieties, cultivation
Borage Borago officinalis
description:fast-growing annual plant, blooming blue, pink or white,
harvest and use:finely chopped young leaves are an excellent seasoning for salads, pea and bean soups, fish dishes, white sauces, as well as an addition to the preservation of cucumbers, it also has healing properties (reduces cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties),
cultivation:seeds are sown directly into the ground in early spring, later it spreads spontaneously, requires sunny and dry locations, the soil does not have to be rich in nutrients,
More: Borage - medicinal properties, application, cultivation
Common chamomile Matricaria chamomilla
description:popular medicinal plant with an erect and branched stem, reaching a height of 50 cm, flowers with white petals and yellow centers, collected in baskets, emit an aromatic fragrance, blooms from May to September,
harvest and use:flower baskets are harvested gradually throughout the summer, as they bloom, and then dried, made into infusions, tinctures and alcohol extracts with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and calming effects, by which are widely used in the treatment of many ailments, chamomile preparations are also used in the protection of plants on the plot,
cultivation:seeds are sown straight into the ground in early spring, chamomile requires light soil, rich in calcium and moderately moist,
More: common chamomile - cultivation, use, healing properties
Cress, Pepper Lepidium sativum
description:an easy-to-grow plant that grows very quickly, gives off a strong smell, is very rich in vitamin C,
harvest and use:harvest when the plant reaches a height of several centimeters, because it tastes best when very young, cress can be a variety of salads, it tastes delicious on buttered bread, it is worth adding a handful of it to the vegetable soup just before application,
cultivation:we sow it on moist soil, it develops quickly and is satisfied with even a thin layer of soil, it can be sowed all year round, requires slightly shaded positions and a lot of water, perfect for driving on a not too sunny window sill in a small pot,
More: Cress - properties how to sow and grow cress at home
Garden Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium
description:a fast-growing annual plant, easy to grow and spreading quickly, its light green, flaccid leaves resemble a delicate, lacy fern, tiny white flowers gathered in the apical umbels, can reach over 50 cm high, gives off a characteristic, slightly anise smell,
harvesting and application:harvesting can be started in less than 2 months after sowing, when the leaves reach about 10 cm in length, we use fresh leaves in the kitchen, we can also freeze them (we do not dry them, because then they lose their aroma), chopped leaves can serve as a spice for cottage cheese, omelettes, herbal sauces, salads and vegetable salads, fresh juice or infusion (60 g of herb per 1 liter of water) is recommended for washing the face as an anti-wrinkle agent, helping to maintain skin elasticity,
cultivation:we can sow from the end of March to August, because it tastes best when fresh, it is worth sowing successively, the plant does not have high soil requirements, however, it does not tolerate drought, and in too sunny a position it quickly creates shoots inflorescence, therefore slightly shaded places will be better, it is also suitable for cultivation in pots and balcony boxes, inflorescence shoots should be quickly removed as soon as they start to appear, because they inhibit the development of leaves, and after flowering and seed formation the plant dies quickly, which is worse it spreads easily and if we let it happen, it can quickly become a scourge in our garden,
More: Garden chervil - properties, cultivation, application
See also: biennial herbs and perennial herbs
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