Pond foils

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Pond foilsis the most popular material used to seal the bottom of a pond. Pond foils are relatively cheap, easy to use and allow you to freely shape the bottom of a pond. Unfortunately, however, their durability is limited. See what are thetypes of pond liners , what are the differences and what kind of foil is best to choose for the construction of a pond.

Pond foils are not decorative. Therefore, it is important that the ends of the foil are perfectly masked under the stones. Abundant plantings give a natural look to the edges of the garden pond.

Pond foils - types

In stores you can find various elastic floor coverings, commonly referred to asfoils for pondsLining the bottom of the pond with a flexible floor covering is not the simplest of activities, but it is the cheapest method that allows you to freely shape the bottom and the edges of the pond, depending on the effect we want to achieve. In addition, it does not require the use of complicated technologies and allows the garden pond to be made by yourself or with the help of someone from among friends, without the need to hire professionals. In addition to the proper excavation of the pond, shaping the edges and arranging the foil, it will also be necessary to properly mask the fragments of the lining protruding at the edges of the garden pond in such a way that the edge looks natural and the foil is not too visible.

Here are thetypes of pond liners :

Butyl (synthetic rubber)- is a modern, most durable material that can be used for lining a tank (its durability is estimated at 40 to 50 years).Butyl is flexible yet strong and resistant to breakage and damage from light, bacteria and temperature changes. It is especially recommended if the material will be exposed to sunlight. The recommended thickness of a butyl liner is7 mm. A negative factor in the use of butyl is its high price. We may also have difficulties obtaining this material as it is not yet widely used,

Synthetic rubber lining- a more commonly used material, made of ethylene, propylene and diene components (EDPM for short). Available in gardening and building materials stores, it is usually black. The advantages include high durability (20 to 30 years), frost resistance, flexibility and extensibility, as well as ease of repair in case of perforation. This type ofpond liner , although cheaper than butyl, is unfortunately also quite expensive.

PVC floor coverings , i.e. polyvinyl chloride - are another material that can be used for lining the tank.This material is the most commonly used type of foil for ponds. PVC floor coverings are strong and resistant to tearing and frost (good quality floor coverings have a 10-year guarantee), but unfortunately, under the influence of sunlight, after a few years, they may start to harden and crack. For reinforcement, it happens that such linings are made in two layers or reinforced with a metal mesh. Available in black, blue and green or even with a stone imitation print. Unfortunately, they require laborious welding of the material, as they are sold from a bale. The bale width can vary from 2 to 6 meters. Sometimes you can also buy ready-made sheetsPVC foil for ponds , e.g. 4x4 m.

Polyethylene (PE)- is the least durable of the materials in question (durability of only about 2 years, stiffens at low temperatures, cracks when exposed to sunlight, and can be torn even by plant roots water) and rather not recommended for the construction of ponds, although it is also the cheapest.It can be used rather as a lining for a peat garden, in which it will be covered with a layer of earth, or as a protective lining under a more durable material sealing the bottom of the pond.

Note! When buying a synthetic floor covering, make sure that it is intended for use in the construction of ponds (it should have a proper certificate). Be careful not to buy a similar floor covering (chlorinated PVC foil or rubber) for use in construction (sealing roofs, foundations, terraces), containing chlorine compounds toxic to aquatic plants and fish.

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