Limocide. Spraying with orange oil is surprisingly effective!

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Limocide is a preparation based on natural orange oil , which can change the fate of your fight against plant diseases and pests forever. This onespray has the triple effect of- as an insecticide, acaricide and fungicide, and its higheffectiveness has been confirmed bytests required for plant protection products. In addition, it can beused in organic farmingin gardens and allotments. Seehow Limocide worksand see that the ecological fight against plant diseases has never been so easy!

The report on the new, extremely effective preparation for plant diseases and pests has been prepared for you by Rafał Okułowicz, the publisher of, who has been promoting natural and ecological methods for a he althy garden for years! For many years, I have been recommending to the Readers of our guide various ways to
protect plants using only natural methods , without using the so-called chemical spraying. Although we already know a lot of these methods, there is a problem with them. Mr. Grzegorz, who lives in Rudniki, describes it in an interesting way:"
I have been using natural methods of plant protectionin my garden for at least 10 years. So I already have some experience. I prepare liquid manure and decoctions of weeds and herbs, and when I do not have the necessary ingredients or simply do not have enough time, I use ready-made organic preparations, available in garden stores.

However, I find it difficult to recognize which pest or disease is destroying my plantsWhen I see minor discoloration or spots on the leaves, I never know if it is the beginning of a fungal disease or an attack of spider mites, which can also cause such spots, and these pests are hard to see with the naked eye.
In such situationsI do not know what preparation to choose for spraying on the plantPerhaps the possibility of identifying the pathogen will appear slightly later, when the spots on the leaves get bigger, they will take on a certain shape or color, and additional symptoms will develop on other parts of the plant. By then, however, it may be too late for natural sprays to help.

Pathogen identification often causes problems

Unfortunatelynatural protective preparations work greatif we use them preventively or immediately after noticing the first symptoms of a disease or pest.But in the initial stage of pathogen invasion, I often cannot judge what disease or pest it is, soI cannot choose an appropriate protective preparation
That is why I was interested in the information aboutLimocide, which is produced on the basis of natural orange oilLimocide, unlike many other natural preparations, has been registered as a plant protection product. This means that the scientific research required for the registration of the protection product has been carried out and confirmed its effectiveness. Thanks to thisby choosing natural Limocide you can be sure that the preparation will work
Above all, however,Limocide has a very wide range of applicationsIt fights against both plant fungal diseases, leaf pests and spider mites, which are difficult to identify and control. This makes Limocide the perfect solution for my garden. I no longer have to worry about diagnosing what is attacking the plant.As soon asI see the first disturbing symptoms, I spray with Limocide
Plus, hisdosing is very easy . If I'm not sure what pathogen I'm fighting against, I just use the base dose. I pour water into my 5 liter sprayer and add the entire 50 ml pack of Limocide. Just mix it and the spray is ready! "
Grzegorz's story interested me very much.Orange oil was known to me so far only as a natural preparation used in natural medicine , characterized by a pleasant and soothing scent. This oil is recommended for people who have trouble falling asleep and as a remedy for headaches. Treatments with the use of orange oil help to loosen muscle contractions and reduce nervous tension.

Orange oil is eagerly used in aromatherapy

Now, orange oil can also soothe the nerves of gardeners who are concerned about the he alth of their plants. The registration label of the Limocide agent confirms thatin the garden this preparation works in 3 ways :

  1. INSECTICID- combats the most common pests of plants with a soft body, including aphids, leafhoppers, honeysuckle, whitefly, thrips, various spines and grapevine fibrils. The product has a contact effect on pests, making it difficult for them to feed and causing them to die.
  2. FUNGICYD- works as a fungicide, combating the most common plant diseases such as: powdery mildew, downy mildew, American gooseberry mildew, gray mold, various forms of rust. The fungicidal action consists in drying the cell walls of mycelium and spores.
  3. ACARICID- Works as an acaricide. Therefore, it allows to combat spider mites that are difficult to identify, which cause symptoms on plants that are often mistaken for plant diseases.

PlusLimocide can be used in various types of crops , ranging from fruit trees and shrubs, through vegetables and herbs, to ornamental plants.We can use it both in gardens under cultivation, as well as under covers - in foil tunnels and greenhouses.

The 6% natural orange oil contained in this preparation is safe and easy to use. TheLimocide preparation is allowed to be used in organic farming(authorization number R-45/2018 wu).
The recommended dosage of Limocide is 4 - 10 ml of the agent per 1 literof water depending on the type of plants to be sprayed. If we are not sure which dose to choose, use the basic dose of 10 ml per 1 liter of water, which will always be effective.
Until now, Limocide was only available in large packages intended for professional cultivation.Good reviews and proven effectivenessof the agent meant that Limocide is also available in small packages of 30 and 50 ml for use in home gardens and allotments.

Limocide saved my vegetable crops during the greenhouse whitefly invasion.I sprayed cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse with this preparation, as well as flower beds with cabbage and lettuce. I am glad that we finally have a safe and effective preparation for controlling the whitefly in vegetables.
Alina, Inowrocław

As a mini kiwi lover, I have long been looking for a preparation to protect my actinidia from pests. That is why I was very happy to hear that Limocide is licensed for the actinidia spraying. After noticing the pests, I repeat the spraying every week and the problem does not occur anymore.
Janusz, Wyszków

When some spots appeared on the leaves of my roses, I did not know if it was powdery mildew or, for example, spider mites. I did 2 sprayings of Limocide and the new leaves with spots are gone.
Kasia, Końskie

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