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"align=left height=110 width=110 is anthurium not blooming? "
Anthuriums typically bloom from spring to early fall. Its flowers are durable (a single inflorescence lasts up to two months) and are the main decoration of the plant. However, it sometimes happens that anthurium does not bloom. Then we wonder what the causes may be and what to do to make it bloom. See why anthurium does not bloom and how to remedy it! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases. Why do the leaves dry, turn yellow, have spots? "
Anthurium diseases can destroy the effort put into the care of this plant. When anthurium is sick, we can observe that its leaves dry, turn yellow or there are spots on the anthurium leaves. The growth of the whole plant is often impaired and the anthurium does not bloom. See how to recognize the symptoms of diseases on anthurium and how to help an ailing plant. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 do pearlin leaves turn yellow and brown? "
Your pearflower leaves turn yellow or brown, and the whole plant loses its pretty appearance? Are you wondering what to do now? Find out the reasons why the leaves of the perennial flower turn yellow and brown, and find out how to help the plant regain its he alth and former glory! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 does the winged flower not bloom - the top 3 reasons "
The Peace Lily is a potted plant valued for its beautiful flowers, composed of a white inflorescence sheath with a creamy yellow butt in the center.It usually blooms from spring to fall. However, often the perennial plant grown in an apartment refuses to bloom, losing much of its charm. Find out about the 3 most important reasons why the winged flower does not bloom and see how to remedy them. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 of the African violet - leaves have spots, hang down and curl "
African violet diseases are a common cause of failure in the cultivation of this plant. Some disease symptoms, such as the hanging and curling leaves of the African violet, may be the result of easy-to-eliminate care errors. On the other hand, the spots on the leaves may already indicate an attack of a fungal disease that requires treatment. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 is the papilla not blooming? Here are 5 common reasons! "
Grudnik is a popular houseplant that blooms around Christmas. Although it is quite easy to grow, it sometimes happens that the poultry plant does not bloom. Then it loses its winter charm. See why the clod is not blooming and what to do to bloom again this winter. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 is Kalanchoe not blooming? "
Beautiful, brightly colored flowers of Kalanchoe decorate our homes from winter to the beginning of spring, when other plants are not eager to bloom. Unfortunately, after a while, the lush flowers die off, and the kalanchoe does not bloom again. See why Kalanchoe does not bloom, what are the most common mistakes in Kalanchoe care and learn a simple trick to extend the flowering of a Kalanchoe grown in an apartment! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases - yellow leaves, spots, white bloom "
Usually, the owners of these beautiful flowers are disturbed by symptoms such as yellow Kalanchoe leaves, stains on the Kalanchoe leaves that disfigure the plant, or white bloom covering various parts of the plant. See how to fight Kalanchoe diseases, what to look for when caring for plants and what to do to make the Kalanchoe look beautiful again.Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 is the Star of Bethlehem losing its leaves? "
The star of Bethlehem is a houseplant that blooms around Christmas. For this reason, it is a popular Christmas gift. It happens, however, that soon after the purchase the plant loses its leaves and loses its decorative value. How can I fix it? See why the star of Bethlehem loses its leaves and what to do to regain its glow again! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases - descriptions, photos, control "
Rhododendron diseases are quite common. This is due to the huge popularity of these shrubs, which are not easy to grow at all. Our climate is not conducive to them and quite often mistakes are made in the care of rhododendrons. Therefore, it is worth finding out why rhododendrons get sick and how to recognize their diseases.Here are descriptions and photos to help you identify rhododendron diseases and how to combat them. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 Pests "
Rhododendron pests appear most often during the growing season, causing numerous damage - spots and holes in the leaves, discoloration and distortion of rhododendron shoots and leaves. Some rhododendron pests, such as aphids, are very numerous in plants. How to deal with them and how to prevent the appearance of pests on rhododendrons? Here are some effective methods of controlling rhododendron pests. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 rhododendron leaves. Where do the brown spots on rhododendron leaves come from and how to treat them? "
Browning of rhododendron leaves is a common symptom. It may result from errors in the care of these plants, but also indicates a dangerous disease attacking rhododendrons. Here are the top 5 causes of browning rhododendron leaves! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 is the rhododendron not blooming "
Evergreen rhododendrons are a picturesque accent that enlivens the garden. They look beautiful in groups, and their flowers please the eye from May to June. However, it is often the case that the rhododendron does not bloom. This problem is usually related to errors in the cultivation and care of these plants. Find out about the top 7 reasons why rhododendron does not bloom and find out how to remedy them. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 do rhododendron leaves turn yellow and fall? "
Yellowing and dropping of the rhododendron leaves are a common occurrence. When something like this catches our rhododendrons, we wonder what the cause could be. See why rhododendron leaves turn yellow and fall. Here are proven ways to help rhododendrons with yellowing leaves! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect rhododendrons for winter? "
Rhododendrons should be protected for the winter and it is worth remembering, because in spring we may experience unpleasant consequences. Find out why rhododendrons are so sensitive to temperature drops and how to protect rhododendrons for the winter so that in the next season they will delight again with lush green leaves and lots of beautiful flowers! Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►