Table of contents

"align=left height=110 width=110 leaves and branches on the plot. Recipes 2021 "
Burning leaves and branches on the plot was once a common practice. However, under the current regulations, both burning leaves and branches are forbidden and may result in a fine. Learn about the current regulations on burning leaves and see how to properly dispose of green waste from a plot. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 it allowed to make a fire in the garden? Recipes 2021 "
Before you light a fire in your garden or allotment, be sure to read this article. You will avoid many unpleasantness and fines. Burning leaves, branches and other waste in the garden is strictly prohibited. If you want to bake a sausage, you can light a fire in the garden, but you must comply with the regulations. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 in plastic bags. The easy way to cut grass and fall leaves! "
How do I get rid of grass clippings, autumn leaves and other garden debris without a composter? We can compost them in plastic bags. Here's a simple way to get mature compost in just 3 months! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 to conifers. Which one to choose? When and how to use? "
In this article, I show the effects of using mycorrhiza on conifers in my garden. See what mycorrhiza for conifers has worked and what effects I obtained within 2 years of using mycorrhiza. I also advise when to use mycorrhiza for conifers and how to do it correctly. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 salinity "
Soil salinity is a term used to describe the excessive accumulation of mineral s alts in the soil. This process, in the long run, leads to the death of plants due to disturbance of their water management. We explain how soil salinity is formed, what is the effect of soil salinity on plants and how to reduce soil salinity in your own garden. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 Causes and prevention "
Physiological drought is the inability of a plant to take up water, even though the water is in the soil. See how to recognize the symptoms of drought, when it occurs most often, and how to prevent drought and help dry plants. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 chlorosis - symptoms, causes, combating "
Leaf chlorosis is a physiological disease that causes the leaves to turn yellow as a result of disruption of photosynthesis and chlorophyll production. We explain what symptoms of leaf chlorosis may be on various garden plants, how to determine the causes of this disease, and how to control leaf chlorosis to prevent it from occurring in the future. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 remedies for chlorosis "
Leaf chlorosis is a physiological disease as a result of which leaves turn yellow and fall off, and plants grow and bear fruit less well. Discover the best home remedies for chlorosis that will make your potted and garden plants have lush green leaves again. Some are really easy! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 fruit bushes "
American blueberries are the most famous acidophilic fruit shrubs.However, it is worth knowing that the American blueberry is not the only fruit shrub that likes acidic soils, and most popular shrubs require slightly acidic soils. Find out more about the soil requirements of individual fruit shrubs. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 soil pH for plants? Useful table: -) "
American blueberries are the most famous acidophilic fruit shrubs. However, it is worth knowing that the American blueberry is not the only fruit shrub that likes acidic soils, and most popular shrubs require slightly acidic soils. Find out more about the soil requirements of individual fruit shrubs. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 soil for azaleas and rhododendrons? "
Spectacularly blooming azaleas and rhododendrons will make any garden look extraordinary. However, they have quite specific requirements as to the composition of the soil and its pH. See what soil for azaleas and rhododendrons is the best and how to prepare such a substrate yourself! Read more … ◄ BACK