Hedgehog in the gardenis a welcome guest, whom we can observe with curiosity and enjoy when it eats insects and snails that feed on plants. But is it possible to lure a hedgehog into the garden somehow? And how to behave when it comes to us? Seehow to lure a hedgehog into the garden , how to care for the garden so as not to endanger hedgehogs and what to makehedgehog shelterHere's everything you should know about hedgehogs visiting our gardens!
Hedgehog in the garden
Man interferes with the natural environment more and more.It takes space, divides it with numerous barriers (roads, fences, drainage devices), and saturates it with chemicals. Therefore, less and less often we can enjoy the sight of animals existing in their original habitat and visiting our gardens.
Among such animals there is certainly a hedgehog. The fairy-tale creature, known to carry apples on its needles, is immediately sympathetic to us. Our first feeling is our willingness to help, fueled by a bit of curiosity. Onlyhow to help hedgehogs in the gardenso as not to accidentally harm them?
The hedgehog is the largest representative of insectivorous mammalsand one of the few whose spines have turned into spines. There is a European hedgehog in Poland - Erinaceus europaeus, of which we distinguish two very similar subspecies: Western European and Eastern European. The border of their range is determined by the Oder river.
This animal reaches about 30 cm in length and weighs up to 1 kg. Lives 8-10 years.The attacked hedgehog curls into a ball , raising its spikes (2cm long). This valuable defensive adaptation can scare off even large predators, the more so as the animal may remain in this position for a long time. The same spikes in combination with short legs do not allow him to thoroughly clean his body, which is why he usually wears fleas.
The hedgehog is a lonerIt lives on the edges of forests with dense, quite dry undergrowth . You can meet him near farm buildings, on the outskirts of villages and towns, in gardens and parks.
Hedgehogs are typically dusk-night mammals. This means that they sleep during the day and feed at night. If you come acrosshedgehog in the gardenor anywhere in the wild, at dusk or at night, leave it alone. It is best to stop, not to approach and not to make noise, because it will curl up into a ball when frightened. Catching hedgehogs is prohibited by law.We can only help if the animal is in danger, e.g. at risk of being run over by a car. You can then move the hedgehog to the nearest, safe place, using gloves or a rag, and then move away. This is enough, because despite your good intentions, you can easily harm a hedgehog.
If you notice that a hedgehog is sick or injured, you have to take it to the vet and indicate the place where it was found. It should be remembered that in Polandhedgehogs are subject to strict protectionand require active protection.
So how to contribute to this protection, bearing in mind your own garden? There are several ways, but the most important is our awareness of these animals. As most of us are drivers, we should start with safe driving. Especially after dark and when the road borders on green areas. Sensing that there may be animals in the vicinity of the activities performed, we simply increase our vigilance.When establishing a garden, at the design stage, make sure that it meets the requirements of not only people or plants, but also animals.We often forget about it, and it is animals that bring our greenery to life.
Watch out for hedgehogs when we are driving a car. They are easy to run apart. In the garden, be careful when mowing the lawn, especially the grass under the bushes.
If we want tolure a hedgehog into the garden , it is worth taking care of some important details. We should start with a real assessment of our space. At the outset, it may turn out that our plot is too small, waterlogged or located among densely built-up buildings. It is a pity then our efforts to lure there a hedgehog and better think about other fairy creatures (frogs, birds, butterflies).
The best area for gathering hedgehogs will be the one close to their natural habitats. If our garden is quite large and, in addition, borders on extensive green areas, we should consider adapting such a plot, although animals will stay with us anyway, whether we like it or not.
Hedgehogs are small animals, but also they will not always squeeze everywhere. Therefore,when fencing the garden, try not to make the gaps in the spans a barrier for hedgehogsAvoid plinths under the spans and fencing nets, especially those with sharp ends. If the conditions allow it, it is best to leave the back of our plot without a fence. It is worth opening up to the world, unless of course we are threatened by pests, such as hares or deer.
If we have a dog, fencing is a better solution. Dogs, foxes, martens, cowards, badgers, eagle owls arenatural enemies of the hedgehogIt happens that hedgehogs attracted by the food of our pets expose themselves to this danger, so let&39;s secure the pens for dogs. You can use strong foil, bricks or boards for this purpose. Let&39;s bury them a bit in the soil so that the hedgehog doesn&39;t squeeze.
Tolure the hedgehog into the gardenlet&39;s create a natural garden. If you don&39;t like such assumptions, you can always divide the garden into zones.The zone close to the house should be tidied up and the rest a bit wilder.
When designing plantings, make sure that there are a few tall trees dropping their leaves for the winter. Let&39;s also try to get tall grass, you can try a flower meadow. Of course, various types of shrubs and trees are most appropriate. Hedgehogs love such nooks and crannies. They feel good in dense bushes and avoid open spaces.
In order tonot pose a threat to the hedgehog , when setting up a pond, make sure that the banks are as steep as possible. This will not only mask the foil well, but will also protect hedgehogs from drowning. Because despite the fact that hedgehogs are good swimmers, they need easy going ashore. We can also enclose a water reservoir, e.g. with a low wooden fence, or plan it so that it is elevated above the ground level. Avoid sudden drops in the terrain, deep excavations or nets in which the animal could become entangled. "
Veryof great importance for the protection of hedgehogsis not only the arrangement of the garden, but also the work in it. First of all, let's take care of an unpolluted environment. Let us not chlorinate and disinfect the water with chemicals. Let's not put poisons on pests, becausesnails and insects are food for the hedgehogAfter eating poisoned food, the mammal also dies. Leave the fight against pests to useful animals such as hedgehogs.
Mow the grass or other thickets carefully,looking for a hedgehog or notNever burn the grass! Then not only hedgehogs but also other animals die. Their habitats and the food they feed on are destroyed.
Note that piles of branches or other plant debriscan provide shelter for hedgehogsEspecially if we stored them for a longer period. Therefore, when getting rid of the accumulated impurity, let's first check if no one lives there. Cleaning works will have to be put on hold if they happen during the hedgehog breeding period (from May to August).
Under no circumstances should we try to interfere with the wild existence of hedgehogs. It is forbidden. Ifhas already acquired a hedgehogillegally, you should report it to the Animal Rehabilitation Center. He will be examined there and, if he is still able to live independently, set free. However, if he is addicted to human help, we can try to obtainpermission for full-fledged care of the hedgehog
Hedgehog shelter
If our garden is visited by hedgehogs , and we have enough willingness and space to organize shelter for them, I heartily encourage you to do so. Of course, at the same time, let's not go deeper into their wild habits. The habitat can be made in two ways: a natural hideout or a house for hedgehogs.A natural shelter for a hedgehogis easier to make and also better for a pet.
Sohow to build a hedgehog shelter ? All you need is a grate of branches or boards, arranged according to their size, some hay and dry leaves. The top itself can be additionally covered with a piece of foil. Let us make sure that the entire structure is airy, located in a secluded and dry place. This is absolutely enough.
You should not feed hedgehogsPossible feeding or feeding hedgehogs is a task for people who have experience and knowledge on this subject. We better focus on observing, and it will provide us with an equally exciting experience.More about the protection of hedgehogs and their habits, you can find out on the website of the Polish Hedgehog Protection Association www.naszejeze.org, which I strongly encourage you to visit. I would also like to thank the President of the Management Board, Jerzy Zembrowski, for providing information for this article.
MSc Eng. Anita Brocka