Lawn weedsis a problem in most gardens. Unwanted plants tarnish the turf and are very difficult to remove. The appearance of weeds should signal us that we are making mistakes in lawn care. Seehow to care for the lawn to prevent weedsandhow to effectively control weeds on the lawnwithout harming the grass itself. Here are proven ways to get rid of weeds on your lawn!
Lawn weed control
The appearance of weeds on the lawnis the result of improper care of the turf, such as incorrect mowing height, lack of fertilization or improper watering.
A properly maintained lawn should be mowed every 5-7 days to a height of about 6 cm. Regular mowing contributes to the destruction of many weed species that have no chance of developing leaves and flowers.Weed weeds are displaced by grass .
Lack of fertilization slows down the growth rate of grass blades. Weeds, on the other hand, do not require a large amount of nutrients to develop. Thereforeon unfertilized lawns, weeds choke the grass very quicklyIn such cases, it is worth choosing a special fertilizer to thicken and displace weeds for fertilizing lawns.
Improper soil moisture promotes the appearance of weeds on lawnsbecause weeds can withstand extreme moisture conditions better than noble grass species.In too wet positions sedges and sieves may appear, which disfigure the lawn because they form dome clumps. On the other hand, when the soil is too dry, the grass disappears and empty spaces appear on the lawn, which are very quickly overgrown by weeds.
Unqualified,low-quality grass seed mixtures may be contaminated with monocotyledonous seedsSowing such seeds involuntarily contributes to weed infestation. Therefore, you should always buy grass seeds from proven producers.
It is also very importantweeding the beds adjacent to the lawnThe weeds blooming on them spread very easily throughout the garden.
Single weeds on lawnswith a small area can be removed by hand or with the use of special tools. The advantage of this method is the immediate effect. In addition, the collected weeds can be used to prepare slurry and decoctions for fertilizing plants and fighting pests.A good example is the dandelion. For some it is a troublesome weed, for others - a valuable herbal raw material. Dandelion manure is an excellent fertilizer that accelerates the growth and ripening of fruit, and the extract of this weed is an excellent preparation for aphids and spider mites, and a valuable compost additive.
For manual weed removal to be effective,the weed must be pulled from the ground completely, i.e. with the root or rhizomeIf even a small part of the plant remains in the soil, it is able to recover. Manual removal can be difficult with deep-rooted weeds such as dandelions. To deal with thisit is best to remove weeds from the lawn after rainwhen the ground is loose. In the event of prolonged rainless weather, the soil around the weed should be watered abundantly. Various types of tools are helpful, such as narrow spatulas, knives, scoops or weed pickers.
An example of a good puller is the Wolf-Garten weed puller.This device allowsto very easily and quickly uproot weeds with the roots , without the need to bend down and dig them up. The holes created after pulling the weeds are small. They can be supplemented with soil and the grass will grow over it quickly.
I tested the Wolf-Garden weed puller in my gardenand I must admit that the work is going very quickly and efficiently. You can see how to use such a extractor in a short video: -)
Toeffectively get rid of weeds on large lawns , it may be necessary to use chemical herbicides, i.e. herbicides. Spraying with herbicides is carried out during the period of intensive weed development, i.e. from spring to autumn. We perform the treatment when the temperature is at least 15 ° C. It is best when the weeds have 3-4 leaves developed at the time of spraying with herbicidal preparations.For the next 3 days after the treatment, do not mow the lawn so that the preparation is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds. In order toincrease the effect of herbicidal preparations , at the beginning of the growing season, we supply the lawn with multi-component fertilizers that stimulate the growth of weeds. Approximately 2-3 weeks after fertilization, we spray with the herbicidal preparation.
To remove weeds from the lawn, we can useone of the safe herbicides available on the market. To weed existing lawns, we should choose selective preparations that fight specific species of weeds and do not threaten the grass. These include, for example, Mniszek 540 SL (a dose of 4 ml dissolved in 1 l of water per 20 m² of lawn), Neat Lawns 260 EW (40 ml of the agent dissolved in 2-4 liters of water per 100 m² of lawn), Dandelion Ultra Hobby AL ( it is not a concentrate, but a ready-to-use agent in a sprayer bottle, dosage 1 liter per 20m² of lawn). We use these preparations from April to mid-September, before the weeds bloom.
Note!Chemical weed control is carried out no sooner than in the second year after setting up the lawn, when the grass is well rooted.
Apart from picking up individual weeds and spraying herbicides on the entire lawn, there is one more method that quite few people know. I got interested in him becauseI don't really like to spray weeds on my lawn .
First of all, because I avoid any chemical spraying, but it is also a pity for me to buy a second sprayer. The same sprayer should not be used for herbicides and plant protection products. If at least some herbicide is left in the sprayer, there is a high risk of damage to crops sprayed afterwards from the same sprayer.
The solution to this dilemma isSubstral fertilizer with weeds It is probably the only fertilizer of this type available in garden stores. It contains a herbicide similar to those found in spraying agents. However, it is combined with mineral fertilizer into small granules. Thanks to this, we can combine the spring fertilization of the lawn with weeding: -)
Fertilizer with weed Substral is used like a regular fertilizer. The dosage is 20 g per 1 m² of lawn. It is available in packages of 1 kg (for 50 m² of lawn) and 5 kg (for 250 m² of lawn).
It is best sown with a fertilizer drill, which will ensureeven application over the entire turf surfaceYou can also sprinkle it by hand, although then there is a risk of accidentally spilling it on other plants growing next to the lawn.
I used fertilizer with weeds last yearThe effect was very good. After one such fertilization in the spring, all the weeds on the lawn disappeared within a few days. I had peace with them until the fall.
If you need more information onhow to properly care for your lawn , we recommend the fantastic book Beautiful Trawnik. Valued specialists in beautiful turf reveal in itall the secrets of setting up and caring for lawnsFrom proper soil preparation for sowing grass, through choosing the right lawn mixture, to step-by-step instructions on how to set up and care for a lawn.
After reading this book, you will find thatthere is a solution to every problem with your lawnYou just need to learn about it. And everything you need to know is in this book: -) "