Supports for creepersare selected taking into account the form and strength of growth of individual species and their varieties. Plantsentwining vertical supports , likewisteriaand actinidia , may be conducted, inter alia, on the pergolas. Forms climbing with sticky whiskers, e.g.nasturtiumand clematis, can be guided on thinstringsandwiresRoses Climbing RosesandJasmineare supporting plants as their stems do not have special organs that enable them to active clinging. They require being tied to supports. Ivy andEuonymus fortuneiEuonymus fortunei can climb a steep wall or tree withoutnone extra help
If you want to plan your garden work better, a planner and eco-methods for pests, liquid manure or proper sowing will help you in this!
The climbing frame should be attached to the building wall with a few,severalcentimeter distanceso as to maintain smooth air circulation.Besides, if we providecreeper more space , it will have better conditions for development without restrictions. Most of the props produced today are easy to install, minimizing the number of drillings in the wall.Supports slow standingandpergolasshould be attached to the ground with anchors. Constructionsbipedalshould be embedded inconcrete foundationIn mixed plantings, the height of individual species is important. For example: kobea grows to 1 m in height, whilehopsgrows up to 10 m.
During periodswet weatherporous pots and ceramic containers absorb a lot of moisture. If the air temperature drops below zero, the water inwalls freezes , causing cracks and evendestroying of the entire dishesno damage evenlong-lasting frostpots withstandminimally porous clayalmost completely impermeable to water, or glazed.However, just in case, ourfavorites containersshould be moved to a dry place in the winter.
Dust settles on plants, especially on their leaves, forwhole yearTherefore, also in winter you should remember to clean the greens tenants our apartmentsEasily remove dust from leaves with a smooth surfacedustandstainsmade of calcium s alt with a damp cloth. Sprinkle the leaves with lukewarm water from time to time. Plants will repay usbeautiful ,he althy appearance
Winter turns out to be the perfect time forcarrying out corrective cuttingmany fruit trees, including alsojabłoniipear .
Young, one-year-old treessubject to to cut to the guide During the procedure, we remove those shoots that grow into the second guide and are a potential competition formain shoot main(the so-called competing shoots). Shoots growing too low (less than 50 cm from the base of the tree), shoots directed towards themiddlecrownare also removed, and the guide itself is shortened less more 40 cm above the first whorlshoots side shoots
Late winter comes the time for rejuvenating pruning of slightly older apple and pear trees. Cutting must beperformed very carefulNo more than a quarter of the crown shoots are removed in one year. During the first pruning, it is enough to remove the shootschore ,deadand toothick stacked In the second year, we get rid of the shoots that grow vertically upwards, the so-called wolveslong shoots fruit bearingonly pruning is recommended. A fairly simple rule applies here: thin and weak shoots are pruned strongly, strong and he althy ones are poorly pruned.Old, drooping branches with manyshoots side shoots , on which many fruits have already matured, are shortened to horizontal shoot.
Fruit treesfruit stone fruit , e.g.cherriesandcherries , you should trim right afterpicking summer .
A common practice in the cultivation of stone species isleading treesfor one long guide with 3-4 shorter side shoots. The crown led in this waytakes shape pyramidsIt is very important that the side shoots grow from the main shoot under the right one angle, in this case the optimal tilt should be45 °
In young trees, this angle is corrected by tying the shootswith tapes , in older treeswrong led shoots are cutover with a budand waiting for new ones to grow.Water shoots and competing shoots should be removed. The main shoot is shortened by 1/3 of the length so that it canstill branchingThis of course means that you have to prune alsoshoots sideThe crown should be shaped in such a way that after cutting, the topmost bud points towardsoutside crownsand not inside it.
This disease occurs intwo characters , namely asrash springandautumnIt is caused by several speciesfungiof the genus Lophodermium and is one of the most dangerous diseases of pine needles. Depending on the course of the weather and the development ofplants ,symptoms diseasemay be visible from spring to autumn and are noticeable only when the tree begins to lose needles en masse. The rash appearsblack ,fine dotsonneedles Sometimes the needle is divided into sections. Needles change colorstraw yellow ,brownSpray plants and fallen needles from mid-July to Octoberrecommended measures protection plants