The three-lobed almond (Prunus triloba) is a very charming deciduous shrub, often grown in a stalk form. Unusual, pink, full almond flowers welcome spring and blend beautifully in garden beds. Unfortunately, sometimes disturbing symptoms appear, which often herald the beginnings oftricapillary tonsil diseaseSee why the tonsil does not bloom, the tonsil leaves wilt and what pests it is attacking. Here are the most dangerousdiseases of the triclamps and combating them !
Diseases of the triceps tonsil - brown rot
Brown rot of stone stones, also called moniliosis, is an extremely dangerous, and at the same time verya common disease of the triceps tonsilIts symptoms can be observed in spring, when single shoots within the crown ,the leaves of the tonsil rapidly wilt, turn brown and dieThe dead leaves do not fall but hang on the shoots, which makes the tonsil lose its charm completely. From autumn to spring, cushion-shaped fungus clusters form on the dead shoots, and in the spring, the spores released infect new shoots.
Combating this disease of the tonsilconsists in quick removal of shoots with symptoms of disease and spraying with fungicides. If signs of the disease were present in the previous season, the plants should be sprayed with Topsin M 500 SC immediately after the beginning of vegetation. Repeat the spraying after 7 days.
Anotherdisease of the tricap tonsil isholes in the leaves of stone trees. It manifests itself as small brown spots surrounded by a red border. The dead tissues in the leaf crumble and create holes with uneven edges. When the symptoms are severe , the tonsil leaves turn yellow, brown and eventually fall offTherefore, it is very important to systematically remove the diseased leaves and not allow them to be moistened during watering. After noticing the symptoms, spray the plant with Topsin M 500 SC.
Diseases of the tricuspid tonsil - leaf perforation
If you have noticed brown necrotic spots on the shoots that widen along the length of the shoots and around their perimeter, it is likely that the tonsil was attacked by the vermilion nodule fungus. As a result ofof this disease of the three-lobed tonsilnecrosis covers the entire circumference and the part of the plant above it dies.The rot spreads quickly to the base of the shoot. Crayfish may appear on shoots larger than 1 cm. In turn, small flat cushions or spherical red shiny fruiting bodies of fungus sporulation may appear on them. Spores infect the shoots when released. The fungus penetrates all kinds of wounds, after cutting or feeding insects. It is very important to systematically cut dead twigs below the necrosis site and spray alternately Topsin M 500 SC and Rovlar Aquaflo 500 SC.
Diseases of the tricuspid tonsil - cinnabar nodules
The retinal tortrix is a butterfly thatwinters between the dry leaves and branches of the three-lobed tonsil , resuming activity at the end of March and feeding on the opening buds, then the inflorescences and finally the leaves.
The tortoiseshell caterpillars pupate at the end of May and their next generation feeds on the underside of the leaf already in July.Then, in August, the females lay eggs and for the next several weeks the hatched caterpillars forage before hibernating. If you want toprotect the tonsil from the invasion of this pest , it is best to apply oil preparations such as Promanal 60 EC or Emulpar 940 EC in the early spring.
Porazik is aaphid that hibernates on the three-lobed tonsiland causes distortion of the leaves. At the end of April, larvae hatch from overwintering eggs, which initially feed at the base of the buds, and then move to the inflorescences and leaves. Then, in May, the aphids fly to Chinese asters or orchids. In the fight against thispest of the flap tonsil , it is worth reaching for Karate Zeon 050 CS during the hatching of the larvae, which damage the leaves. Preventive spraying with the above-mentioned oil preparations in the early spring will also be helpful.
MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs
Based on: Łabanowski G., Soika G., Orlikowski L., Wojdyła A., Care of garden plants. Diseases and pests, MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza, pp. 110-112. Photo © shauni (brown rot),, I.Sáček senior (perforated leaves), photo available in the public domain, source: Wikimedia Commons and © Rafał Okułowicz (cinnabar lump).