Treol 770 ECis a plant protection product based on paraffin oil, intended for early spring spraying of fruit trees and conifers against spider mites and vultures. See exactly what theapplication of Treol 770 EC is , when to spray Treol, how to dose this preparation, the price of Treol 770 EC and the available packaging sizes.
Treol 770 EC 100 ml. Photo Agropak
Treol 770 ECbelongs to the group of insecticides and acaricides based on paraffin oil.It is approved for use in organic farming, has no effect on bees and other beneficial insects. It is used in the early spring period to combat forms of overwintering pests that are exposed to contact. The paraffin oil contained inside Treol 770 EC covers the wintering stages of the pests with a thin layer, causing them to suffocate.
"In orchardsTreol 770 EC againstmay be fruit spider mite on apples and peaches. These trees are sprayed during the bud break.
Apple spraying is performed from the bud break stage to the beginning of the so-called mouse ear, preferably at the beginning of hatching larvae from winter eggs, which coincides with the phase of green apple blossom.The date of treatment with Treol 770 ECshould therefore be determined by observation of the trees. In subsequent years, it may vary depending on the weather. The observation of trees from this angle begins in March, and the date of spraying is usually April. "
Treol 770 EC is also registered for the control of plum bowls on plums and berry bushes, such as blueberry and red currant. Spraying is carried out in the spring in the green bud phase.
Preparations based on paraffin oil also allow for effective control of conifer pests.Treol 770 ECis used to protect spruce trees against the pine tree spider mite. In order to control this pest, Treol 770 EC should be sprayed in the early spring, until the vegetation starts.
The preparation destroys wintering spider mite eggs and hatched larvae, but has no effect on adult spider mites. Thereforespraying with Treol 770 ECis only done in the early spring, until the larvae have hatched. During the growing season, adult spider mites no longer make sense. Spraying Treol at a later stage during the growing season is not recommended due to phytotoxicity symptoms in plants.
In a similar way, the agentTreol 770 ECcan also be used against the wintering stages of the spruce-larch georgette. For this purpose, larches are also sprayed in the early spring period, before the vegetation begins.
Important!Spray Treol 770 EC on a dry and rainless day at temperatures above 0 ° C. It is also worth checking the weather forecast in advance so that there is no night frost after the day of spraying. Therefore, we choose a period of several days of warming without night frosts.
In the case ofTreol 770 EC, the dosageis very simple. because in all of the above-mentioned applications it is used in a concentration of 1.5%, i.e. a working liquid should be prepared in the proportion of 15 ml per 1 liter of water.
Note!All parts of the sprayed plants, both branches and tree trunks, should be thoroughly covered with the spray liquid so that the liquid flows off the branches. Inaccurate spraying is the most common cause of ineffectiveness.
AgentTreol 770 ECfor amateurs is available in 100 ml packages prepared by Agropak. Depending on the store , the price of Treol 770 EC 100 mlranges around PLN 20. If someone needs a larger package,the price of Treol 770 EC 1 literis around PLN 30.
If there is no Treol 770 EC in the garden store we went to, we will find excellent substitutes. First of all, we cango to the pharmacy and buy ordinary liquid paraffin(Paraffinum liquidum). The recommended proportions are 100 ml of paraffin for 5-6 liters of water (preferably rainwater). You have to mix it very thoroughly.
In garden stores, thebased on paraffin oil Promanal 60 ECThe active ingredient is exactly the same (paraffin oil) and almost identical to Treol 770 EC.
However, I highly recommend Emulpar 940 EC, especially to the least experienced gardeners. It is based not on paraffin oil, but on pine oil (it is a natural vegetable oil).The action of this agent on pests is the same as in the case of Treol 770 EC, but it has one significant advantageAs long as paraffin oil spraying can be performed only in the leafless period (due to the risk of phytotoxicity and brown spots on leaves), Emulpar can also be used during the growing season for already leafy plants. So it will be apreparation for the entire gardening season, not just early spring !