Laying paving stones step by step

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Laying paving stonesis only a seemingly simple task, because it really requires a lot of preparation. Find out more about the best materials to use for paving stones. Below we will explain all the stepsof laying paving stones step by step , thanks to which you will easily learn how to properly and efficiently perform this activity. Here's what it should look likelaying paving stonesin your garden or around the house.

Laying paving stones

Paving stone is a frost and abrasion resistant material, it also looks very nice and is available in many types and colors. All these factors make this material very popular when arranging gardens.

Before we start laying paving stones …

Laying paving stones should startfirst of all with determining the purpose for which a given surface will be used. It can be intended for walking paths, or it can be used as a driveway for cars. Many factors of its performance depend on the function of the beech paving surface, which is why it is so important to specify it at the beginning of the project. Then, a detailed design of the surface that will be taken bypaving stone surfaceThe design is extremely important, because it is according to it that the paving stones will be laid. A well-made design will save you a lot of trouble at the execution stage.

When arranging paving stonesremember that for walking surfaces, eg paths or terraces, a stone with a thickness of approx. 4 cm is best suited. However, on driveways or surfaces with low car traffic, use cubes with a thickness of about 6 cm.

Laying paving stones

Step 1 - korytowanie
Preparing the ground under the surface withpaving stonesstart with korytowania. It is the removal of the top layer of soil to such a depth that it will be possible to lay all layers of the pavement so that the last layer of paving stones is level with the rest of the ground. Most often it is corrected to a depth of 20-40 cm.
Step 2 - making the framework
Then, the bottom of the trough should be leveled and covered with an appropriate layer of the foundation. The foundation is made of coarse aggregate, which is laid at the bottom of the trough and strongly compacted, i.e. tamped. It should be remembered to cover the aggregate with a thicker layer by approx. 20% than needed because after compacting, its volume will decrease by 20%. So ultimately we will get the layer of the foundation that we need. The thickness of such a foundation should be about 20 cm for standard paths and terraces, while surfaces that will be subjected to greater loads must have a thicker foundation layer, i.e.approx. 30-40 cm.

Step 3 - edge laying
When we have the appropriate foundation prepared, startlaying the edges of the paving stoneFor the paving stones of 4.6 or 7 cm, the thickness of the edge should be 6 cm. For larger cubes, an 8 cm wide edge should be used. Each element of the edging should be placed on a foundation made of semi-dry concrete, thanks to which the entire surface will be very strong and durable.
Step 4 - bedding
After laying the foundation and edge resistors, make a backfill. We make the ballast from small stone cuttings, the target thickness of the layer of this material should be approx. 3-5 cm. The purpose of the ballast is to firmly settle each paving stone. Therefore, after pouring out the ballast, it should be leveled, preferably with a wooden patch or an ordinary board, but not compacted. Some people recommend that the bedding is made of sand-cement material, but this type of material makes any renovation works difficult later.
Step 5 - laying paving stones
Once the ballast has been laid and leveled, you can startlaying the paving stones . After completing the previous elements, it is quite simple work. It consists in placing one cubes next to the other, tapping each one with a rubber hammer so that they anchor well in the ballast.
Step 6 - consolidating the surface
Once all the paving stones are laid, the surface should be strengthened, i.e. the paving stones should be grouted. It consists in sprinkling the entire surface with quartz sand, which flows into the gaps between the cubes. Repeat the treatment several times until the sand tightly fills all the gaps between the cubes. You can also pour water over the surface so that it, soaking into the cracks, compacts the sand even better.
For consolidation and better understanding, I suggest watching the film, which shows how to performlaying paving stones

Video shared on YouTube by POZ BRUK

How to avoid mistakes when laying paving stones?


When deciding to lay paving stones on our property, remember that these works should be preceded bygeological survey of the ground and determination of its parametersThe results of this study will determine the method of drainage, as well as the choice material for the foundation and assessment of the necessary thickness of the foundation layer. Unfortunately, the assessment of soil parameters is often overlooked, and the paving crews approach it with sensitivity. "
A common mistake that can happen already at the stage of making the foundation isfailure to maintain an adequate slope of the surface , which should be from 1-2%. Otherwise, water will remain on the ankle. It is also very important to even out the foundation layer and compact it so that the surface does not become uneven and the pavement does not collapse.
Another mistake may beputting the cubes together without keeping at least 3 cm of gaps between the cubes damage.
If the paving stone has been placed correctly, it can be accidentallydestroyed while leveling the surface with a vibrating compactorwithout an elastomeric cover protecting the steel plate. This action will result in scratches on the ankle.

Katarzyna Matuszak

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