Kiwano(Cucumis metuliferus), also known asbarbed cucumber , is a vegetable belonging to the gourd family. It comes from tropical regions of the African continent, and in our country it is a little-known exotic plant, althoughcultivation of kiwano in Polandis possible. These are the basic principles ofgrowing a kiwano- from sowing seeds to harvesting fruits. We also advisehow to eat kiwanoand how to use it in the kitchen.
Kiwano - barbed cucumber
The namekiwanocomes from the combination of the words kiwi and banana, because it resembles both the taste and aroma of these fruits.It is also referred to asbarbed cucumber , due to the spines on the skin of the fruit.
Kiwano grown in Polandis an annual, climbing plant, with small, yellow-orange flowers. Blooms profusely in late July and early August. The plant is characterized by high heat requirements, its growth stops at temperatures below 15 ° C, while when the temperature remains around 5 ° C for a long time, the plant completely dies. However, in optimal conditions, at temperatures above 20 ° C (summer heat), shoots can grow up to 20 cm per day.
Kiwanorequires fertile, humus, well-drained and rapidly heating soils, as well as a warm sheltered site and regular irrigation (especially during emergence and fruit setting).The cultivation of kiwano in Polandis best done under foil tunnels, although after the period of frosts has passed, the plants can also grow in the ground, as long as the bed is in a sufficiently warm place.
Kiwano seedscan be obtained from ripe fruit and sown at the end of April under the foil. You need to remember to maintain the right temperature, which should be 21-26 ° C during the day, and 17-21 ° C at night. Then, at the turn of May and June, the seedling with 3-5 leaves is planted into the ground, spaced 100x50 cm.
Spiny cucumbergrows strongly, creating a huge number of leaves. Kiwano shoots reach a length of several meters and can be led at supports. The leaves have sticky whiskers, so they can easily braid the fence mesh. The leaves and shoots of the plant are covered with dense, prickly hairs.
Kiwanotolerates periodic drying of the soil well, but you should remember to water in the first days after planting, it guarantees good acceptance of the seedlings . Maintaining adequate soil moisture is very important also during flowering and fruit-setting, because its lack can cause flowers and buds to drop.Other important care treatments incultivating kiwanoinclude weeding the beds and ensuring that the plants are not attacked by diseases or pests.
Kiwano - cultivation in the ground
Kiwano floweringbegins only 6-8 weeks after planting the seedlings permanently. When the temperature is high, the fruit grows very quickly and after two weeks from flowering they reach 10-15 cm in length and weigh from 200 to 400 g. One plant can produce from several to a dozen fruits.
Kiwano fruithave an oval shape, initially marbled green, and it changes as it matures it turns bright orange. The inside of the fruit is filled with green-orange flesh with numerous seeds, which can be up to 500. are suitable for eating.It is best to
pick kiwano fruitsthat have reached the desired size and shape but are not fully ripe. The great advantage is the ability to store the fruit at home (at 10-20 ° C) for several months.Due to its unique shape,kiwano fruitcan be an original decoration in our apartments. However, since we have already managed to grow a kiwano in our garden, it is worth learning
how to eat kiwanoto take full advantage of its taste.Greenish flesh with a refreshing and slightly tart taste eaten raw, together with the seeds. Toeat kiwanowe put it on a cutting board and cut it in half. The flesh inside the fruit can be eaten with a spoon. Some people sprinkle it with sugar to improve the taste.
Spiny cucumberis perfect for making salads, desserts and cocktails. Drinks with the addition of kiwano perfectly quench thirst. It is worth mixing the flesh of kiwano with yogurt. This fruit also works well as an addition to pancakes.