description:A floating fern, 1 cm in size, covering the water surface. Young specimens are light green, turning red with age. Corrugated leaves, folded overlapping,
requirements:Solar position, winters in the form of spores sinking to the bottom of the reservoir,
description:The plant is easy to grow, it is a floating plant that grows quickly. Its beautiful blue hyacinth-like flowers are undoubtedly a great decoration for any pond.In our climate, it is treated as one-year-old, although it can be stored indoors during the winter,
requirements:sunny position, it gets dreaming in winter,
More: Water Hyacinth. Cultivation and wintering in a pond
description:The plant is submerged, partially protruding above the water surface. Small pinnate leaves visibly react to the length of sunlight (they open in the morning and fold in the evening),
requirements:Sunny to slightly shaded position, depth 10-60 cm. fully overwintering, grows rapidly. Willingly placed in water reservoirs as a water purifying plant,
description:A floating plant with a long root system (in which small animals and fry are eagerly sheltered). Light green, mossy leaves, raised upwards, resembling lettuce. Inconspicuous yellow-cream flowers hidden among the leaves. Treated as one year old,
requirements:Sunny location, away from cascades and streams, does not hibernate,
description:Grzybień is undoubtedly the greatest attraction of every water reservoir. There are many varieties that differ in color and number of petals, and the size of flowers. The leaves can be of various sizes, colors (from bright green to red) as well as speckled. The above-mentioned parts of the plant float on the surface of the water and their rhizomes are rooted in the substrate. Flowering from May to October,
requirements:Full sun recommended, does not tolerate water drops falling on the leaf surface. They feel best in tanks without flow. The selection of the variety should be adapted to the size of the tank (very expansive lilies will quickly overgrow a small tank - smaller and miniature varieties are recommended there).Fully wintering (except for blue lilies),
See more: Water lilies - water lilies
See also: water plants of the swamp zone and water plants of the rush zone
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