Evergreen deciduous trees and shrubs O - Ż

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Scarlet Firethorn Pyracantha coccinea
" description:thorny, evergreen shrub, white, abundant, small flowers, gathered in corymbines, very ornamental fruit, orange, yellow, red, shiny, gathered in clusters, decorating the shrub from early autumn until winter, height 2 to 3 m, suitable for defensive hedges, to be used near walls and in groups, the most frost-resistant varieties are Soleid d&39;Or (yellow fruit - in the photo) and Orange Glow (fruit orange), the Red Kolumn variety (red fruit) is characterized by a slightly lower frost resistance, "
flowering period:May, June,
Requirements:Position well sunny, best to be planted near southern walls or sunny lawns, requires fertile soils, shoots regrow very slowly, therefore pruning should be limited to forming pruning only,
frost resistance:may freeze in the east of the country, zone 6B,
reproduction:non-woody cuttings are taken in the second half of summer or semi-woody cuttings in autumn,
More: Red fire - cultivation, varieties, reproduction

Barbed Holly Ilex aquifolium
description:evergreen shrub, stiff, dark green leaves, red fruit, suitable for clipping and shaping,
flowering period:May, June,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, moist soil, resistant to air pollution,
frost resistance:zone 7B,
reproduction:in late summer or early autumn, herbaceous cuttings with a heel are harvested, in autumn you can lay them (rooting takes 2 years),

Meservy Ilex meserveae
description:shrub up to 5 m tall, slightly reddish shoots, leathery leaves, bone-toothed, slightly more resistant to frost than barbed holly,
requirements:sunny or slightly shaded position, moist, well-drained soil,
frost resistance:zone 6,
reproduction:in late summer or early autumn, herbaceous cuttings with a heel are taken, in autumn you can lay them (rooting takes 2 years),More: Holly - cultivation, reproduction, diseases

Pieris japanese Pieris japonica
description:small, compact evergreen shrub covered with branches down to the ground, flowers white, pink or reddish, gathered in raised or slightly drooping panicles, up to 15 cm long, glossy green leaves oval to lanceolate shape, length up to 6 cm, perfect for moors,
flowering period:first half of spring,
requirements:sunny position, acidic soils and rich in organic substances, to stimulate the development of new buds, remove faded inflorescences, at the end of winter, prune old, bulky plants, remove dry branches in late summer or autumn that did not start growing after the last winter,
frost resistance:zone 6B,
reproduction:from semi-woody cuttings taken in late summer, by suckers (cover low branches in autumn) or from sowing seeds under glass in spring or autumn,
See more: Japanese pieris - varieties, cultivation, pruning, diseases

Rhododendron catawbiense
" description:evergreen shrub growing up to 6 m high, violet flowers, very decorative, in the photo album Novum variety "
flowering period:May and June,
requirements:sunny to semi-shaded position, wet and acidic soils, tolerates urban conditions well,
frost resistance:high, zone 5B,
See: bigger photo

Early Rhododendron praecox
description:one of the earliest rhododendrons, pale lilac flowers, up to 1 m tall,
flowering period:March to April
requirements:sunny to semi-shaded position, tolerates calcareous soils well,
reproduction:in amateur conditions the easiest way is through layering, you can also collect semi-woody cuttings from apical shoots at the end of summer,
See: more about Rhododendrons

Fortune's Euonymus Fortunei
description:evergreen shrub, in Poland almost exclusively juvenile forms with long, overlapping shoots that can root or climb up supports, green leaves with a white border or green-yellow, are cultivated,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, sheltered from winds, fertile and moist soil,
frost resistance:sufficient for the species - zone 5B, but garden varieties usually have a slightly weaker frost resistance - zone 6A,
reproduction:by layering,
More: Fortune's Euonymus - varieties, cultivation, cutting

Laurel laurel Laurus nobilis
description:shrub with lanceolate, dark green, leathery leaves, partially evergreen, valued as a kitchen spice, yellow-green flowers with inconspicuous petals and prominent, pale yellow stamens, non-pruned shrubs retain a conical shape, after 10 years the cultivation reaches 2.4 m in height and 1.2 m in width,
flowering period:mid spring to early summer,
requirements:requires fertile soil, sunny position ( although it tolerates light partial shade) and sheltered from the wind, cutting is not necessary, any shaping cut can be made in summer,
frost resistance:insufficient, in our climate we grow in containers, for the winter period we must move to a closed room (preferably a cold, sunny and well ventilated greenhouse), we put out the garden in spring, when the danger of frost is over,
reproduction:semi-woody cuttings take root from the beginning to mid-summer, sow the seeds in autumn,
More: Laurel laurel, laurel tree. Properties and cultivation

Heather Calluna vulgaris
description:evergreen shrub up to 50 cm high, small, scaly green leaves, purple flowers, there are many varieties, differing in shape, size, and color of flowers and leaves (in photo full-flowered variety), recommended as a groundcover, best when planted in large groups,
flowering period:July to October,
requirements:sunny position, sheltered from winds, permeable, light, acidic soils, in order for the plant to bloom better, cut the flowering inflorescences every year, cut in early spring,
frost resistance:zone 5B, protect plants from frost after the first frost, cover them with spruce branches or fleece,
reproduction:from top cuttings harvested in mid-summer (before flowering) or by layering in summer,
heather - 3 secrets of growing and a moor in the garden

description:short, evergreen shrub of the heather family, grows quickly, forming a green carpet, long, creeping, rather delicate shoots, inconspicuous inflorescences rise from the shoots, develop after fading spherical berries turn from green to red as they mature, fruit rich in nutrients, valuable for kitchen use, suitable for storage,
flowering period:June, July,
requirements:sunny position, light acidic soil, regular watering during drought,
reproduction:very simple - cut the young shoots and then spread them on the bed and water them abundantly, they rooting quite quickly, if we bought ready-made cuttings in pots, we should plant them at a distance of 40 by 40 cm,
More: Large-fruited cranberries - properties, varieties, cultivation on the plot

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