Table of contents
"align=left height=110 width=110 homemade fertilizers for garden and pot flowers "
By using kitchen waste, we can easily prepare valuable fertilizer and save a lot of money. Here are the recipes for 10 homemade fertilizers for garden and potted flowers that every organic gardener should know! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 surprisingly effective way to improve plant growth and the flavor of vegetables and fruits "
Fertilizing plants in your garden costs you a lot, and increasing doses of fertilizers bring poor results? Fruits and vegetables taste bad and plants are increasingly infected with diseases? Probably due to poor fertilization, improper agricultural practices and the use of chemical pesticides, you have led to soil degradation in your garden.See what to do in such a situation! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 - a priceless component of soil "
Humus, or humus, consists of organic debris, mainly plant debris, accumulated in soils. The humus content is one of the most important factors influencing the proper growth of plants as well as the quality and size of the garden crops. As it turns out, humus alone is not enough for he althy plant growth. What else do you need in the soil? Learn the secret of he althy plants and tasty vegetables and fruits from your own garden! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 natural vegetable fertilizers that every gardener should use! "
Natural fertilizers for vegetables have a high impact on the nutritional value of vegetables and allow you to get food free from chemical contamination. Learn about 3 natural vegetable fertilizers that every gardener should use.We will also suggest excellent substitutes available in stores. By using these fertilizers you will grow organic vegetables that are tasty and he althy! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 baker&39;s yeast. How to make fertilizer and yeast spraying? "
Homemade preparations of baker's yeast were used for plant care by our great-grandmothers. They are a cheap and easily available resource for anyone looking for ecological solutions in the garden. See how to make fertilizer and yeast spraying that will ensure lush growth of your plants and protect them from diseases! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 fertilizer. How to make and apply? "
Fertilizer from bananas, and more precisely from their peels, is a great way to provide plants with phosphorus and potassium. So when you eat a banana, don't throw away the peel! Using it to feed plants is child's play.Here are 5 proven ways to use banana peels to fertilize your plants. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 shell fertilizer. How to make and apply? "
Egg shell fertilizer is an excellent calcium fertilizer. Egg shells contain over 80% of easily digestible calcium, as well as zinc, fluorine, sulfur, and silicon. Such a fertilizer is perfect for feeding both garden and potted plants, it is 100% natural, and its preparation is very simple. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 grounds as fertilizer. How to fertilize plants with coffee grounds? "
Have you drunk your coffee and are throwing away the remaining coffee grounds? Do not do this! This can be a great fertilizer that provides plants with important nutrients. We can also prepare mulch, substrate or a nourishing preparation for watering plants from coffee grounds.See how to fertilize plants with coffee grounds to take full advantage of their beneficial power. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 properties - how to examine soil in the garden "
The properties of the soil in our gardens are one of the most important factors for a successful cultivation. Depending on the needs of the plants we want to cultivate, we can influence the quality and fertility of the soil in our garden, including using the right fertilizers and growing methods. See how to examine the soil in the garden to assess its properties and suitability for growing plants, and then select the appropriate methods of cultivation and fertilization. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 for horticultural substrates "
A good substrate is expected to be permeable while retaining water and nutrients. It should also be free from pathogens and pests.In order to obtain substrates that meet all these requirements, ingredients are added to them to improve their properties. We present the most popular additives for horticultural substrates. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 perlite - use, what proportions, price "
Horticultural perlite has remarkable properties for horticulture. It is chemically neutral, perfectly aerates the substrate and also stores water. Thanks to this, it is widely used in the cultivation of plants. The price of horticultural perlite is also not high, which even more speaks for its popularity. Find out what proportions of perlite should be used if you want to mix it with soil to create a good substrate for plants. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 clay - properties, use in gardening "
Expanded clay is a very universal material, giving many possibilities of use in gardening and growing potted plants.It can be used as drainage, loosening or mulch material. At the same time, it is harmless to plants and the environment, and relatively cheap. Find out more about the possibilities offered by expanded clay and how to use it in gardening. We present 8 interesting applications of expanded clay! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 and artificial fertilizers - examples, application "
How are natural and artificial fertilizers different? What are their uses in the garden? When are natural fertilizers better and when is it better to use artificial fertilizers? Here are the best examples of natural and artificial fertilizers, a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages, and tips on what fertilizers to use in specific situations, depending on the condition of our plants and the quality of the soil in the garden. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 fertilizers - types, application "
Organic fertilizers, i.e. natural fertilizers obtained from organic matter, should be the basis for fertilization in home and allotment gardens.The most popular fertilizers of this type are compost and manure, but there is an increasing selection of organic fertilizers in stores. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these fertilizers, which ones are worth choosing and how to use organic fertilizers? Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 - what is it, how to use "
The use of the name biohumus in the names of all kinds of fertilizers has become the bane of our market. You can meet BIOHUMUSES, which are mineral fertilizers (having nothing to do with biohumous), or organic-mineral fertilizers containing extracts of organic substances, which, however, are not biohumous. So what is vermicompost and how to recognize it so as not to get stuck in the proverbial bottle? Read more … NEXT ►.
Every gardener knows about the importance of soil and its properties for good growth and yielding of plants. Numerous agrotechnical measures to improve the structure and fertility of the soil are especially important during spring and autumn gardening works.Digging the top layer, adding organic matter in the form of manure, compost or humus, liming, mulching the soil, and finally fertilizing it - all this is done with a view to better vegetation and development of crops.
There are many schools nowadays how treat the soil. There are supporters and opponents of the no-plowing system, there are also ecological gardeners who do not use any mineral fertilizers in their crops, there are also people who run the so-called permaculture, which does not interfere in any way with what the plant does on the soil.There is no doubt, however, that in order to obtain a good yield from vegetables or fruit grown in the garden, they should be properly nourished, cared for and protected against diseases and pests . The soil and the microbial life it contains can support this process, as long as it is properly cared for. Therefore, gardening should be approached holistically, paying attention to the entire ecosystem in which we operate, and not to its individual components.Only this practice will allow you to enjoy abundant crops and beautiful flowers.