In my case, creating a garden is quite an art and required many concessions and compromises. Because the garden is part of our farm bypass and must obey the rules of the farm yard, i.e. the communication routes of large machines or the frequent visits of our animals (dogs, chickens, and even cows that graze nearby).
"My garden is close to nature and I often plant wild plants in flowerbeds, borrowed from the nearby meadows, and also allow myself to be sown by various unwanted guests.Therefore, the overall expression of my garden does not clash with the surrounding landscape of fields and pastures. Most of my discounts combine a typically decorative function with a utilitarian one - among the lush flowers I planted, among others raspberry, vine and rhubarb bushes, and in the pots with annuals I plant herbs such as mint, chives or oregano. This seamlessly connected the ornamental part of the garden with a berry and orchard that is run as a wild garden (rarely mowed and free from chemical spraying). Closer to the porch, by a small square, I have organized a barbecue area and a trampoline for grandchildren who love to play in the garden. The family is constantly growing, and I am happy and proud of it, I am gradually enlarging the orchard and berry farm so that the grandchildren have something to eat and where to hide.
I do not forget about our lesser brothers and I help them as much as I can. For example: I avoid spraying and artificial fertilization, I take care of biodiversity, I do not clean the flowerbed, I do not scoop out all the leaves, I have set up a watering hole for birds or a house for wild pollinators.I hope they also feel great in my beloved garden.
I invite you to wander around my garden through the four seasons of the year.