Let's take a closer look at the basic issues related to the selection of the optimal substrate. Some components of the substrate, especially those that determine its quality, are more expensive than, for example, pure peat.Hence, you have to pay dearly for the substrate.In return, however, we get the highest quality product. Regardless of the seller's assurances, we will know good soil mainly by its structure, color is of less importance (black substrate is not always better than brown).
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Planting bylin w gazonie (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
A good substrate should be partially lumpy, it should also contain fibers and small pebbles, which can be either lava shales or expanded clay particlesThese, like polystyrene balls, contribute to better aeration of the substrate, as a result, the soil stores water and nutrients better. Unfortunately, such a professionally prepared substrate is still a luxury.
The substrate prepared by the home method, usually by mixing garden soil with compost and sand, is in no way of equal quality to good commercial substrates.First of all, because it is too heavy and contains weed seeds.However, there are no contraindications for using such a substrate for growing plants in a bed.
Special purpose substrates
Good mixtures of special substrates perfectly meet the needs of selected groups or species of plants. For example, soil for cacti contains more stony additives and less humus, soil for orchids
while it is richer in coarsely shredded bark and peat particles.
Sometimes some mixtures for Datura, palm trees, citrus plants and other potted plants are poorly refined, then they can be replaced with a universal substrate of good quality (and cheaper).Special mixtures substrates are also available for seedlings and cuttings.
The soil in the containers should be replaced with each transplanting. The old medium is not suitable for further use because it is sterilized and may also contain pests or pathogens.The remnants of last season's soil can also be used, even if the bag was not sealed.The soil retains its properties even when it was stored outside or in an unheated garage, in this case, however the bag should be tightly closed.Often the substrate is dry; then, before use, it should be watered (ground the lumps thoroughly).
The ready substrate from the bag is usually replenished, so in the first weeks the plants are guaranteed a constant supply of the necessary nutrients. Only after a few weeks we proceed to regular feeding with liquid fertilizers. NLong-lasting fertilizers should be added to the substrate already during planting, because they start to act with a long delay.The mycelium visible on fresh soil is not harmful to plants, sometimes it even accelerates the development of roots.
Not only peat substrate
Peat is one of the most universal improvers of pot substrates. However, it is not an irreplaceable substance, as some substrates, although they do not contain peat, do not differ in quality from the peat substrate.They include cortical humus, compost or coconut fibers. Currently, there are also commercially available substrates with a reduced content of peat, but with the addition of xylitol.
This organic additive is a type of brown coal with a well-preserved wood structure, so it can be split into fine fibers.