Although it may seem surprising, you can start growing vegetables in a heated greenhouse from mid-February. If the greenhouse is unheated and the temperature inside it does not fall below 0 ° C, sowing and planting plants is possible fromend February The most important spring crops include fast-growing lettuce,kohlrabi ,early onion ,radishandradish , as well aswatercressDespite the relatively short days, they also grow very quicklyrocket sowingiturnip leafTheir leaves can be plucked three weeks after sowing.
To prevent the plants from growing in the same place every year, the areaof greenhouse bedsis divided into smaller parts. In two pictures we present the plans ofspringandsummer .
It is a good idea to plant one plant gradually in several stages. For example, every 2-3 weeks we plant approximately as much lettuce as we use later. If we do not buy seedlings from a gardener, but we obtainfrom seeds , we also divide the sowing into several batches. Before starting the cultivation of the soil in the bedsenrich mature with compostin the amount of 5-10 l / m2, which should be enough for the following crops as well.
From the beginning of May, when most of the plants from early cultivation have been harvested and the temperature during the day exceeds 15 ° C, we start planting fruiting vegetables.Tomatoes ,melons ,zucchini ,cucumbersand pepperswill take over the greenhouse until fall. Admittedly, these southern plants need a lot of heat, but you should not forget to ventilate the greenhouse on not too cold days. Air exchange prevents the spread ofdiseases fungal