Spring discounts as planned

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Monotonous discounts, planted only with roses or pansies, fortunately have not been popular for a long time.Instead of them, varied arrangements are created that emphasize the unique, individual appearance of the garden.Their character is determined by both the colors, as well as the forms and structures of the selected plants. The careful ordering and grouping of species is also important.

Ideally, the composition is based on perennials, which are more beautiful and more lush from season to season. They can be called a permanent scaffold, supplemented with bulbous flowers in the spring, annuals in the summer and ornamental grasses in the fall. The proven, long-flowering varieties of bedding and small bush roses have a strong position in the bed.

So-called semi-shrubs such as lavender, mugwort, perovskia or barbula Caryopteris are also popular partners. They grow in a predictable way and do not reach huge sizes, so they are not a competition for the neighbors, but a nice complement to the arrangement.A well-designed discount always has something to offer and is interesting almost all year round.

The flowering period of individual species usually lasts several weeks a year. Therefore, when planning plantings, choose plants very carefully, paying attention to the fact that the flowering seasons of different species do not overlap, but complement each other.A valuable help is a calendar or tables for flowering plants.They contain a list of plants with flower colors and flowering times. Such data enables the selection of the best partners.

It is not only the colors of the flowers that are important. You should also pay attention to the habit and height of plants, shapes and color of leaves.The various forms of flowers as well as decorative seed heads and fruits also make the arrangement more attractive. Not every plant can thrive anywhere.

Species with low needs, he althy and resistant to any difficulties do best. However, most plants have specific job requirements. And it is the amount of light that reaches a specific place and the soil conditions that determine what plants can grow here. When setting up a discount and buying plants, we should constantly remember about the basic relationships between them and the environment.

A varied flowerbed with properly selected and carefully cared for plants will decorate the garden for a long time and bring us joy for many seasons.

Three discount offers

Modern mosaic

This arrangement is distinguished by an openwork structure and characteristic flower forms.Few plants are enough to conjure up a romantic idyll on a narrow, long bed with an area of ​​about 4 m².The eye is drawn to the tall shoots of Phlomis russeliana, decorated on several levels with whorls of bright yellow flowers. Next to it, there are extravagant clusters of Kleome spiny Cleome spinosa.

A one-year, long-forgotten plant is now gaining more and more popularity.Stipa tenuissima's delicate brushes between the delicate brushes of Stipa tenuissima's orange-yellow inflorescences of Kniphofia uvaria 'Grandiflora' . A quiet part of the flowerbed are the white flowers of Echinacea purpurea 'Alba' and small-flowered cushions of Karwinski's Erigeron karvianskianus on the edge of the flowerbed.

Rustic discount

Numerous perennials and summer flowers enchant with idyllic charm due to the sheer variety of flower forms. In the sunny bed, in front of the wooden fence, the central place is occupied by a clearly visible, tall Olbia mallow Lavatera 'Barnsley' with beautiful mallow flowers. Next to it there are red zinnia flowers 'Dahlia Coral Beauty' and Phlox paniculata 'Red Riding Hood', which cannot be missed in the village garden.

Free spaces on the bed are filled with the seaside ground cover Lobularia maritima.Her green pillows are decorated with small but dense flowers, attracting many bees with their scent.The sunny heads of Calendula officinalis adorn the edge of the flowerbed and create a transition between it and the meadow. Marigold and marigold are one-year-old, but they spread strongly, which is why they provide a permanent place on the rebate.

Classic discount

A narrow bed, e.g. next to a hedge or wall, looks best when it has flowers on several levels.Here the top floor is occupied by tall roses. The 'Schöne Koblenzerin' variety has slightly wrinkled red flower petals with a cream coating on the bottom.

Under the trees there are the Perennial Chrysanthemum Tanacetum coccineum 'Brenda' with dark pink flowers, the white-flowered three-nerve anaphalis Anaphalis triplinervis, the Venetian catnip Nepeta nervosa 'Schneehäschenila' with white flowers and the pale yellow Alchemillaepips.

Melica ciliata pearl grass adorns the bed with pretty openwork bouquets of straw-colored ears.The bearded carnation clumps are decorated with flowers in various shades of pink and red, so that they will be reborn from numerous seeds the next year.

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