More about the plant below:
Honeysuckle (Lonicera)
category : climbers
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 7 m
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly alkaline, slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, permeable, humus, sandy loam
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green, yellow-green, white-green
color of flowers : white, yellow, orange, pink, red
form : climbing
period flowering : May-September
seeding : autumn (not recommended)
reproduction:layering, shoot cuttings, division
persistence leaves : seasonal, evergreen (honeysuckle honeysuckle L. acuminata)
application : balconies, gardens, pergolas, trellises, gazebos, terraces, ground cover
pace of growth : fast
Honeysuckle - silhouetteDevelopmental features of honeysuckleStand for honeysuckleHoneysuckle - careHoneysuckle - applicationAdviceClimbers have won the favor of gardeners with beautiful flowers, a charming scent and an elegant appearance.
Honeysuckle comes in a wide variety of varieties and species. The color range starts with white, goes through yellows, oranges, pinks, reds, purples and ends with bicolor flowers.Honeysuckle blooms between June and September, later it produces red, blue or black berries (poisonous for humans).
The most famous species is Lonicera caprifolium drilling honeysuckle. This species is characterized by the fraying of flowers, typical for many honeysuckles, as well as the foliage consisting of a pair of opposite leaves growing on the stem.
This feature is also characteristic of such species as Brownian honeysuckle Lonicera, Heckrott Lonicera heckrottii, and Tellmann Lonicera tellmanniana honeysuckle. Pomeranian honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenumi and Henry Lonicera Henryi honeysuckle have a slightly different structure.The last one has smaller flowers, but it is evergreen.On the support, honeysuckles reach a height of 3 (Heckrott) to 10 meters (Pomeranian).
Optimal growing conditions are in a fertile, moderately moist soil in partial shade. Some species also tolerate shade and sun.
Vines should be watered and mulched frequently, the substrate should be moist.After flowering, trim.
Honeysuckle is a great climber covering gazebos, pergolas, trellises and other available supports.
Honeysuckle can be guided along the tree.Thickness of leaves gives shelter to birds, berries are not poisonous to birds.