For tits, sparrows or bullfinches visiting our plots, the winter period can be difficult. If left unattended, they may not survive the frosts. And yet in spring we need their support in the fight against pests.
When to feed?
We should think about feeding the birds before the frosts arrive, so that they can get used to their winter canteen. It is a good idea to prepare two feeders and place them at a distance from each other. Why? Because then the birds will not have to fight for food.
With what to feed?
When it comes to the "menu", you cannot put just anything into the feeders, e.g.
The best will be:
Ready-made bird seed mix can be purchased at garden stores. It is not too expensive, so it will not overburden our budget. For this, it will save many lives. When feeding the birds, we should remember one more rule: do not sprinkle the seeds on the ground. They swell quickly when exposed to moisture, and birds may become ill after eating them.
Types of feeders
Of course, the feeders are different. I recommend the simplest one, made of a five-liter plastic water bottle.First, in the upper part, on the opposite walls, we cut two holes with a diameter of 3 cm. Then we also make smaller holes on the opposite sides. Through them, we introduce thin wooden slats so that one of them is 5 cm above the bottom of the bottle, and the other on the opposite side, halfway up.
This allows the birds to move freely inside the plastic house. After that, all you have to do is unscrew the bottle, add the seeds and fix the house on the tree branch with the original handle on the cap.
In such a feeder, the food is always dry, because no moisture gets there. Through the transparent walls, the birds can see the food and quickly find it.
Janina Paszek