The place for mushroom cultivation should be sheltered from the wind, shaded and with high air humidity.But we can also grow them in cellars, gazebos or garages.We buy ready-made mycelium sets - the manufacturer attaches cultivation instructions to each of them. Specimens growing on wood should be cut with a knife. It is better to unscrew those growing on the ground, so as to remove the entire stem with the base from the ground.
Saprophytic mushrooms get their nourishment from the decomposition of dead organic matter.That is why they are grown on cut trunks of deciduous trees, branches, sawdust or straw.
Requires a temperature of 12-20 ° C. It does not need light - it will even grow in the cellar.The first harvest is possible after a month.In a shaded place in the garden, we can grow it from mid-April to the end of July.
It is grown on straw bales or stumps. In a room, tunnel or dug garden pit where there will be no strong sunlight.In a dark place, illuminate our crop for 12 hours with a fluorescent lamp.The temperature should be between 10 and 25 ° C. The access of fresh air and high humidity, reaching 70-90%, determine the yield.
We cultivate on freshly cut trunks or branches of deciduous trees, preferably oak, hornbeam and beech.The mycelium is placed in drilled holes and watered.Tolerates temperatures of 8-20 ° C.
Easy to grow. In a shaded area of the lawn, dig a small hole, place the mycelium in it and cover it with a three-centimeter layer of soil. It does not require high humidity. You only need to water it during periods of drought.We can cultivate from March to October, but sometimes you have to wait for the first mushrooms until the next year.
The mycorrhizal fungi include, among others
- porcini mushrooms,
- rydze,
- kids,
- butterflies.
Their cultivation is not always successful.It is more complicated because these fungi can only develop by living in a close symbiosis (mycorrhiza) with the roots of certain tree species.Rather, it will succeed in places adjacent to a forest or in naturalistic gardens with an old tree stand.
We start the breeding with the mycorrhizal vaccine "forest mushrooms". We can use it for oaks, birches, beeches, hornbeams, pines and spruces. We apply the preparation in the holes so that it gets directly onto the tree roots and water it abundantly. However, it takes at least a year for the mushrooms to grow.Remember that in such a vaccine, in addition to edible species, inedible and poisonous ones may also grow.Therefore, we must be vigilant when harvesting.
I treated the possibility of harvesting forest mushrooms with a pinch of s alt for many years.I have always believed that this is not the same as picking mushrooms in the woods.Besides, I was afraid that the cultivation was difficult and I would definitely not succeed.Finally, I made a "male" decision - I bought mycorrhizal mycelia and placed them under the trees. More than a year later, my family enjoyed butterflies, goats and boletus from the garden.
I found out that the cultivation of forest mushrooms is not difficult and has a good chance of success if they are provided with the right conditions.The key issue is the presence of appropriate tree species in the garden - forest fungi symbiosis (mycorrhiza) with their roots.We had no problem with this, as the plot already had spruce, mountain pine, larch and a few young birches. We applied the mycelium in the spring of the previous year. When nothing had grown up throughout the season, we almost lost all hope of success. Only recently - this year - the first timidly growing mushrooms appeared under the trees.
1. In the garden store (or on the Internet), you can easily buy mixtures of several different species of mushrooms.Therefore, it is worth using all trees available in the garden from the list on the right for mycorrhiza (it also improves their he alth and development).The prices of mycorrhizal vaccines vary, but most often they range from 35-40 PLN.
2. Mycelia should be placed as close as possible to the roots of trees (they must have contact with them). To do this, dig holes 10-15 cm deep under the plants and apply the vaccine.Then the wells with mycelium are covered with fertile soil and the whole thing is watered.
3. I recommend that you also consider buying mycorrhizal mycelium in a liquid form, because it is even more convenient to use and supposedly more effective. The mycelium is then pressed into several 10 cm deep wells near the roots. Then they are covered with soil and watered.The applied dose per well is usually 10-20 ml.
4. It must be remembered that the mixtures may also contain mycelia of inedible and poisonous species - so you must not collect everything that emerges from the ground under the canopy of trees.Additionally, some mushrooms, such as boletus, are much more likely to grow if there are toadstools nearby.
5. The treatment is best carried out in spring, when the air temperature is 10 ° C and the soil is moist.