Home asparagus farming

Green asparagus is botanically the same plant as white asparagus, except that its stems are not artificially whitewashed in the mounds.A year before the planned cultivation, we should sow the plants for green, natural fertilizer.Clover, soybean and lupine are especially recommended, as they accumulate nitrogen and root deeply.In humus, well-aired, loose ground, the cuttings root quickly and sprout.Remember - we do not grow asparagus after asparagus.

Green asparagus is not dug, but grown above the ground.As a result, under the influence of the sun, they turn green.Thick, tasty stalks come from specially selected varieties, such as 'Primaverde' (very early).

Caring for growing asparagus

Before the first harvest, the plants must accumulate a large supply of nutrients, so in the first and second year after planting, we allow the plants to develop freely.In autumn, we remove wilted leaves from the asparagus.To improve conditions In summer, we feed the crop with a dose of semi-mature compost or with artificial fertilizers.

To keep the substrate moist and to limit weeds, the area should be mulched. Here and there, we can sow lettuce, kohlrabi or, for example, green beans between the rows.In the season, we can harvest asparagus every day.Cut or break the shoots early in the morning, because at this time they contain the optimal amount of substances responsible for good taste.


Growing asparagus according to Recipe for the Garden "

Breaking off is not as easy as it might seem, and it takes some practice to catch the momentum in the right place. It is located about 2-3 cm above the ground, the stalk here is delicate and devoid of a lignified skin.Green asparagus harvested in this way does not need to be shortened and peeled afterwards.

Green shoots from garden cultivation are sometimes thinner and sometimes thicker, but they cook faster than white plantations.The green asparagus is cooked in bunches for about 15 minutes to be al dente.They can also be eaten raw, but then they are not as tasty.

We are establishing an asparagus plantation

The best time to set up a backyard asparagus plantation is the spring period, i.e. from April to mid-May.Plant the asparagus in the groove one meter wide and about 25 cm deep, the length of the groove is set according to your needs.

At the bottom of the trench, add a 10-centimeter layer of compost, then in its central part, at a distance of 50 cm, lead two hives. The asparagus roots are planted in the skewers, 40 cm apart.

Cover the plants with the previously selected soil to create a flat bed.If the ground is heavy, you should mix it with compost. At the end, the bed is watered and covered with straw bedding.

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