Recipe for the Garden: ground cover plants instead of a lawn

" The author of the text and photos below is a reader of the magazine Provision for the Garden - Gracja Dąbrowska from Żory. "

If the lawn is not nice enough or we still have to deal with its diseases, it is worth considering cover plants.They are the leaders in my garden.Thanks to them, after 2 years I have already achieved the intended turf effect.

Covering plants - species selection

The first step is to select plants that will survive in our rather difficult climatic conditions. So, barberry, cotoneaster, triple earth, narrow-leaved lavender, scarlet fire, common periwinkle, redwort, funkia, redwort, geranium, grasshopper, bird feeder, May carnation, phlox, saxifrage, thyme and heart-shaped aptenia.

PWhen choosing, you also need to pay attention to the decorative qualities of plants, because monotonous green leaves are unlikely to attract anyone's attention.So I chose decorative fruit, colorful flowers and an interesting habit. They are a real treat on my discounts.

Let's take care of the right place

And now I would like to share a few rules for selecting the best place for ground cover plants.

  • The most important thing is to recognize the conditions in the garden (substrate, sunlight and soil type).These plants like light, permeable and humus soil.
  • Then we check which seasons the species bloom. This will give us a nice effect all year round.
  • We learn everything about the growth and density of the selected plant.
  • Finally, we check which sites are preferred by given species and their varieties (sunny, in the shade or in partial shade).

Planting ground cover

It is necessary to pay attention to maintaining the appropriate distance between the seedlings. If they are too close, the lack of access to the sun will lead to their dying off.You cannot plant them too far, because we will wait a long time for the entire surface to be covered with turf.After planting, it is worth covering the beds with bark or fine gravel .

As described, I created an alternative to the lawn with little work.

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