The author of the text is Michał Mazik
In gardens I am always delighted with moors. They give them a natural, picturesque look and have something of mystical landscapes that are remembered from childhood.Heathers often planted on slopes or small slopes
and heaths delight with the richness of colors.Contrary to appearances, creating such a discount is not difficult at all.
The basic thing to do when starting a heather garden is choosing a position
and determining its size.Sunlit places are best for this purpose - avoid the northern exhibition, where the least light reaches.Moors look best on sloping or undulating areas.
If we do not have such in our garden, consider setting them up
and forming into any shape you choose. To obtain the desired final effect, at least 4-5 m² should be allocated to the discount (of course, it all depends on the size of our plot).Heathers should be planted in groups - individual specimens do not look so impressive.
In order for the heathers to color beautifully and grow he althily, they should be provided with carefully prepared soil. An acidic permeable substrate is preferred. If we do not have one, the best solution is to replace the soil - we get rid of the layer of several dozen centimeters (for at least two pricks).
The dug hole is sprinkled with a layer of sand, several centimeters thick, and then filled with peat (at least 30 centimeters thick).Usually it is recommended to use 150-200 l of peat per 1 m², but in practice it comes out differently.
For me, the most pleasant part of setting up a flower bed is planting. Heathers are usually bought in containers and can be brought into the ground throughout the season.Gardeners usually recommend planting in September - then we can see the effect of the work immediately, but there is nothing to prevent the establishment of a heath in the spring - a tribute to plants less resistant to frost.
Water the heathers thoroughly before removing them from the containers. The best spacing for low varieties is 25x25 centimeters, and for tall varieties - 40x40 centimeters. The appropriate depth is 2-3 centimeters more than they were before
in pots. After transferring the plants to the ground, water them again abundantly.
Heathers have a shallow root system and therefore require protection against drying out and frost.For this purpose, I use a layer of bedding a few centimeters
acidic - pine bark or sawdust.
Heather plants can survive in poor positions thanks to symbiosis
with mushrooms. The following benefits can be obtained from this knowledge - they will grow better if we apply mycorrhizal vaccines to the soil.
When caring for heather, remember that you do not use hard water for watering, as it changes the soil pH to alkaline. Rainwater is the best.Plants are pruned immediately after flowering.I do not recommend chemical fertilization - due to the low requirements of heathers, over-fertilization occurs more often than deficiency of nutrients.