Recipe for the garden: how and what to water the garden

The irrigation systems offered on the market can water the garden even every few minutes, dispense water depending on the weather, hide cleverly underground, and even fertilize the lawn with an appropriate preparation.At the same time, they can be more economical and more efficient than humans.

Good plan

It is worth starting with consulting a specialist. The project should include:

- water demand of individual plants,

- sprinkler type to be used,

- sprinkler location (preferably close to the water intake and power consumption).

Technical details

Of course, the power supply can be connected via a special earth cable, ideally if it is dug in about half a meter.If the water pressure is too high in front of the manifold, use a pressure reducer, and if the water will be used only forwatering- additionally install a water meter that will reduce water charges.

Solenoid valves are screwed into the manifold, and controlled by a special controller. It allows you to program the settings so that a specific solenoid valve is activated at appropriate times for a given amount of time.Thanks to this, we will strictly plan where and how much water will flow.

Irrigation lines

The individual elements of the system are connected by means of plastic pipes - then they are buried in the ground at a depth of 20-30 centimeters or with a hose - then we arrange it in a way that is as unobtrusive as possible. The individual elements are connected using couplings suitable for pipes or a hose.In places where the design provides for the installation of the sprinkler, terminate the hose with a special connector.


The number and type of sprinklers should be selected depending on the height of plantings:

- for grasses it is an impulse sprinkler that covers a larger area,

- for a discount, an eight-function or a rotating sprinkler will be a better choice.


The irrigation system should be properly prepared before the onset of winter. If the sprinklers are removable, it is best to take them out, wash, dry and store them in the garage for the winter.After turning off the water to the manifold, connect the compressor and use air to blow the water out of the pipes and hoses.The installation prepared in this way is safe waits the worst frosts.


The irrigation system can sometimes be extended with additional elements, such as a rain sensor, a soil moisture sensor or a fertilizer dispenser.

The most important features of a well-designed irrigation system are the optimal use of water, saving time and money.If it is properly adjusted to the needs of plants, it will allow us to enjoy the green lawn and colorful flowers.

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