Questions are answered by Anna Prądzyńska
I usually decorate my balcony with annual flowers, but I'd like to try growing perennials - so that I don't have to buy and plant new seedlings every year. I am asking for help in selecting species.
For pots and containers for small spaces, full begonias, jagged begonias or picotee with various colors and forms of flowers are perfect. For larger balconies and terraces, I suggest cannas (beads).These plants grow up to 120 centimeterstall, have large green or red leaves and decorative flowers. There are many varieties available for sale, incl. about flowers:
- chalky and white, e.g. 'Alaska'
- dotted, e.g. 'Cleopatra', 'Guciu'
- red, e.g. 'Red King Humbert'
There are also varieties with two-colored leaves, e.g. 'Pretoria'. Anemone and Topmix dahlias are also perfect solutions. These plants are planted in the second half of May.They will grow well if we provide them with a fertile ground
and sunny position.Due to the large variety of colors, they create unlimited possibilities of color combinations and combinations with other plants.
If I plant a few gladioli bulbs in May or at the turn of May and June, will they bloom this year? I am asking for tips on growing these graceful flowers and choosing varieties suitable for a vase.
Gladiolus should be planted into the ground at the turn of April and May, spaced 10x20 cm, 8-10 cm deep, depending on the size of the tubers. The smaller tubers should be planted shallower, while the more large ones - deeper.
These graceful flowers start blooming in July.Choose a place that is sheltered from the wind and sunny.The soil should be humus, rich in nutrients, fertile, neutral .
Gladiolus are perfect as a cut flower.In order to keep them beautiful for as long as possible, they should be cut when the first lower flowers begin to develop.Then they can keep their durability for up to 3 weeks.
About 90 varieties can be distinguished among gladioli. We propose the following: 'Hunting Song', 'Victor Borge', 'Oscar', 'Green Star', 'Velvet Eyes', 'Amsterdam', 'Passos' and 'Fidelio'.
I recently saw very cheap lily bulbs at the market (2 zlotys). I was afraid that something was wrong with them and I didn't buy them. However, I would like to know in the future, what to look for when buying flower bulbs?
When buying any flower bulbs, especially lilies, you should pay attention to their he alth.Due to their structure, the bulbs are exposed to many diseases, such as mosaic, blotch, gray mold or onion rot.
Therefore, when buying, check them carefully and check if they are not infected and if there are no unusual discoloration, dimples or wet stains on their surface.
The price of the bulbs may depend on the method of their production. Lilies can be propagated by the so-called air bulbs (this is the fastest way) or seed bulbs (this method, however, is more laborious).Price may also vary according to the lily group and variety.