Perennials that complement rose beds

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Wbylinach rosesfound excellent partners indiscount plantingThe most spectacular, expressive arrangements are most often created whenwonderful flowerson the rose bush are accompanied bycarefully matcheddecorative perennials.

In order to prevent perennials and roses from competing with each other on a common flowerbed,colorsandshapesof their flowers should be clearly different.Opposites build up tensions , which are often necessary to animate the image of a composition. For this reason, slendercandle-shaped inflorescencesdelphiniums ,digitalis appear in close proximity to rosesandof lupine , as well as magnificent goblets of lily and daylily flowers.

Roses also go perfectly withspherical inflorescencesof decorative garlic. Small-flowered perennials, e.g.gypsophila , geranium and algae, are - as in bouquets - a charming addition to rose flowers, and besides, they cover any empty spaces in the bedding. Lowspecies perennialsshould grow in small groups, because as single plants they almost completely die in theshade of wonderful flowers roses

Suggestions for rose compositions

Yellow discount for good mood

Like a joyful sun shines overdiscount crownof high-growing rose 'Golden Border'. Fragrant flowers are gathered in dense clusters. Since June, the rose has been accompanied byflowers slopeDue to its relatively short stems, this variety is rather suitable for the edge of a flowerbed.

The slope is perfectly suited to the slopealgaewith openwork green-yellow inflorescences and densely arranged leaves, which almost completely cover the ground throughout the season.The baskets are developing in high summerflowers rudbeckiiTall perennial looks best on the last discount plan.

1. rose 'Golden Border', 1 pc. trunk height 60 cm;

2. Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm', 2 pcs.;

3. alchemilla mollis, 2 pcs;

4. Coreopsis 'Sterntaler' slope, 3 pcs.

When choosing colors,also follow rulethat perennials are complementary for roses and even to a small extent they should not surpass, obscure or dim them. For example, red roses should not be combined with perennials with flowers instrong shades that colorPerennials perfectly complement the color palette of rose flowers, which lackspure color blue

In the multicolored rose-perennial image of the flowerbed, you often needelement peace Green islands of tranquility usually formboxwoodorcisStrong bushessupport they serveperennialswith gray leaves, for example Stachys byzantina or Artemisia perennial.

Discounts kept in similar shades of one color arecoincidence special , so here accompanying perennials should be chosen very carefully to make it uniquearrangement did strong , surprising impression. In the pictures to the left we show three examplesattractive discount plain

Roses need space to breathe, therefore accompanying perennials should not be planted tooclose shrubsA distance of about 0 is assumed as sufficient, 5 m. By keeping thisnecessary distance,we will provide the rosesminimalair flow air, reducing the risk of developingdiseases fungal Let's not forget about fertilizing roses, which will also benefit perennials. Expansive plants require careful supervision. Cut their offshoots andstolonsas soon as they appear too closebushes roses

Suggestions for rose compositions

Airy flowers in pink and white

At the sight of this discount, the hearts of lovers of delicate shades beat stronger. The magnificent flowers oflarge-flowered rose'Caprice de Meilland' are extremely effective and smell great. They are accompanied by white flowers as light as cloudsgolden-goldenandgypsophilaThe composition is complemented by light pinkumbels yarrow

1. large-flowered rose 'Caprice de Meilland', height 80-100 cm, 1 item;

2. chrysantemum chrysanthemum 'Christina Hageman', 2 pcs;

3. Gypsophila gypsophila, 2 pcs;

4. Achillea 'Love Parade' yarrow, 3 pcs.

Modern discount in strong shades

This combination of roses and perennials amazes with strong tones of colorsredandpurpleThe center of the flowerbed is taken by the 'Red Leonardo da Vinci' rose with dark red flowers , developing from May to October. InJulyandAugustrabata reaches its full beauty: all plants with purple flowers are found in the most beautiful period. Rozplenica grass flauntshairy earsthat will survive until autumn.

1. Echinops ritro, 1 pc;

2. 'Red Leonardo da Vinc i' bedding rose, height40-60 cm, 1 pc;

3. narrow-leaved lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead', 2 pcs.;

4. sage Salvia 'Blaukönigin', 3 pcs.,

5. Pennisetum proliferation grass, 1 pc.

Roses in good company

Perennials with blue flowers can be safely used to complete the arrangement of almost any onediscountsrose Rose partners known for a long time and proven in many gardens are:delphiniumDelphinium,catnipNepeta,geraniumGeranium ,sageSalvia ilavenderLavandula.

Neighbors with white flowers, such asgypsophilaGypsophila or chrysanthemumdaisyChrysanthemum, fit perfectly with multicolored roses. A beautiful complement in yellow are, among others Rudbeckia rudbeckia flowers andslopeCoreopsis.

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