Practical Gardener: oleander care treatments

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Oleanders will bloom for a long time (from May to fall) and profusely if several conditions are met. From early spring to autumn, we keep them in the most sunny and warm place possible, e.g. in front of a bright, southern wall of the building.

Plants can tolerate even very dry air, but from spring to autumn they need to be watered abundantly with lukewarm water.The oleander pot should be placed on a large, deep saucer, so that on hot and sunny days you could pour water into it every day.

Oleanders like to have "wet feet" because in nature they grow on the sunny banks of streams and rivers. They do not like rain, humid air and sprinkling.Since mid-August we have been gradually reducing their watering, letting the shoots lignified.We do not have to rush to bring the oleanders home, because the plants can withstand frosts down to -5 ° C.

In winter, we provide them with a bright, cool room with a temperature of 2-8 ° C.During this period, from time to time we check that the root ball is not drying out.If necessary, water it with lukewarm water. In spring, we put the plants outside again.

Oleanders grow well in clay soil containing calcium mixed with compost, peat and sand.From the beginning of growth until mid-August, it is advisable to fertilize them weekly with a multi-component liquid fertilizer intended for flowering plants .

Oleandery - home or on the terrace?

Plants should be transplanted only when the roots have overgrown the soil in the pot, preferably in spring. Before winter, neither freshly produced flower shoots nor trim those faded should not be removed.You can only cut out the sprouts growing inharmoniously, too old or too large, thus rejuvenating the plant.Young plants should be pruned in spring.

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