The need for liming can be assessed using a soil acid meter, available in any garden store, along with detailed instructions for its use. Dosefertilizer calciumdepends ongradeacidificationand type soilIf the soil is highly acidic, e.g. it has a pH of -5, then the dose of carbonate lime per 100 m2 should be 20 kg on lighter soils and up to 50 kg insoils heavier soilsThis dose can beapplied once , spreading it evenly over the surface of the soil and digging with the cultivated layer of soil to a depth of 20-30 cm.
A very important procedure iscovering plants , especially at a young age, planted into the ground in a given season. We coverwith materials permeable waterandairNot suitable the kind of foil under which plants oftenearly start vegetationand are later damaged by a sudden drop in temperature . For this purpose,organic materials , such as:dry leaves ,straw , or plastic nonwoven horticulturalor agrotextile,nursery meshto shading plantsIt is very popular to make various types of these materialsmulch strawornonwovens
Winter is a difficult time forplants containerleft outside. In a small volume of the substrate, their root system is particularly prone to freezing. Therefore, the pots should be protected against frost by wrapping them e.g.fleeceorfoil bubble-likealso materials of natural origin, e.g.straworjuteAnother way to cover the cover is to put the pots in larger containers. The space between them is filled withinsulating material insulating , but in such a way that no water can get there or it can drain away quickly. Plants also require special protection.
The tree crown is also secured against frost, along withplace graftingThe best for this purpose is agrotextile. Important isdeadline implementation securityYou can't do it too early, when the plants are not yet dormant well therefore every year you should carefully watchthe course of temperatures Plants should be protected only when the temperature drops below -2, -3ºC for several nights.
The most susceptible to damage are the trees that have just been planted, which have not yet had time to root well and acclimatize to the new position.
The species that freezes relatively most often is peach. A drop in temperature below -25°C destroys mostflower buds flower buds , and sometimes even entire trees. The easiest way to protect sensitivetrees peachis to makea small moundfrom the ground around the trunk. The mound should cover the base of the trunk to a height of about 30 cm. The soil is quite a good insulator and even if the above-ground part is cold during the extremely frosty and snowless winter, he althy sleeping buds will remain underground.
"Mounding on the example of roses is presented in the following video, created by the editors of My Beautiful Garden. "
In spring you can cut off the entire damaged part, and the covered part will quickly grow new shoots and a new peach crown will be formed within a year. Another way to protect plants that are not very resistant tonegative temperaturesis to cover them with mats, thick paper or straw. In the last case, you need to check whether rodents have entered, which they like very much in suchplaces winteringandnibble bark young trees
Some fish hate temperatures below a few degrees Celsius, others can only hibernate in sufficiently deep reservoirs. Before winter we have to catch all commontropical fish( guppy ,gladiolus ,kirys ,cichlid zebraipawiooka ,żałobniczka ,danio brindle ,barb pink ) and put eat in home aquariums.
More resistant fish, i.e.crucian ornamental ,carp Koi ,sturgeons ,ropes golden , we can keep it in an illuminated basement or gazebo during the winter where the temperature does not drop below 5°C. A barrel, a trash can made ofplastic plastic ,containeror are suitable for the winter storage tank.aquariumIn low temperatures, the metabolism of fish as cold-blooded animals is much slower, so we give food to them once every few days, carefully observing whether it has been eaten.
If our pond is large and deep (over a meter) that it does not freeze for the winter, we can leave some fish in it:crucian carp goldenbasic variety,crucian silvery ,sticklebacks ,sunflowers ,amury white ,golden orfy icarps